Chaim Deutsch Loses Congressional Race To Incumbent Clarke

Yvette Clarke, a longtime congresswoman from Brooklyn’s 9th congressional district defeated multiple Democratic primary challengers this year.

She won her re-match against organizer Adem Bunkeddeko, who won 47% of the vote against her in 2018, and a challenge from Brooklyn councilman Chaim Deutsch.

Clarke won 62% with Adem Bunkeddeko finishing second at 18%. Deutsch received just 9.9%, only slightly ahead of Isiah James at 9.1%. In last place was Lutchi Gayot, who got just 1%.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

33 Responses

  1. there were 75,000 requests for absentee ballots which is more than the total votes counted so far. It’s very strange.

  2. I’m not a big fan of all of his positions but I greatly respect his effort and energy to seek change by running for public office. Sadly, the turnout (in person or mail-in ballots) in the frum neighborhoods appears to be pathetic, even by NYS primary standards and the virus delayed voting.

  3. Moishelah: Because in all elections, candidates want their supporters to get out and vote on the assumption their vote will count. Here, obviously, it was such a blowout, not really credible. As someone else noted, absent a monolithic bunch of sheeplach who vote exactly as they were told by their rebbe without any independent analysis of issues and candidates, this is really a diverse district where there are yidden of all persuasions and not really likely to vote as a “block” just because several Rabbonim might have endorsed Deutsch. As I noted above, turnout appears to have been pathetic in the frum neighborhoods, unless there is some massive number of late-counted absentee ballots.

  4. nyny:n Are there 25000 eligible frum voters in this district? And if there are would they all have voted for him just because he is frum? According to wikipedia almost 50% of the district is african american

  5. the get out the vote efforts were minimal , i heard one of the sound trucks near emmons ave. & just as i passed ave o i heard a 2nd truck so i pushed myself to vote but before yesterday not much buzz

  6. This is embarrassing that Chaim got less than 6,000 votes. What happened to all the big shots that endorsed him?
    I guess they couldn’t vote from Orlando or Boca. Frum jews don’t vote and that’s why we have shmendriks like Yeager, and Eichenstein to represent us. Both worthless.

  7. Absentte ballots are going to start be counted next week on June 30 and it may take awhile but he will need a lot of votes to win

  8. There were 57,000 plus people who voted in this race this is before the mail in ballots were counted which means 70,000 people could have voted in this race when in the 2018 primary for this seat only had around 30,000. This is because this is the energy of all the progressives who live in a large chunk if not most of the district who came out to vote because of their hate for President Trump. Now that we know this progressive base is very energized we must wake up & come out to vote in big numbers in November if we want to save the country & have President Trump reelected.

  9. It was a tight race, and contrary to this article it’s not over. There were tens of thousands of absentee votes which will not even be opened until next week.

  10. The frum community represent about 15% of the voting age population in this Congressional District. With the absentee ballots, Chaim will have received slightly more than 15% of the vote.

    The outcome is as was and should have been expected from the get go.

  11. Not sure why one commenter says that frum people don’t vote. Another story posted on YWN reports that frum Jews in Williamsburg made a big impact.

  12. This is exactly why Deblasio and Coumo can pick on the jews without any hesitation. What consequences are there?

    We don’t vote anyways.

  13. lets all go to lakewood, over there it doesnt matter if you vote or not, the right guy will still win in the end since the whole place is frum. even if 10 percent of population votes, they will still win since only frum ppl live there.

  14. We do vote, but unfortunately we are a minority of a minority in the over-all vote count. My family all voted against Jerry Nadler in our Midwood district but yet he won in a landslide. You people forget the Frum vote is completely out numbered by goyim. Even if every single Frum Yid voted in Brooklyn for the high position candidates (Congress, Senate, Governor, Mayor, etc…) we can never swing the vote. WE can not put in or take out any candidate. Local yokels like assembly and Council are little baby positions, which in the bigger picture, mean absolutely nothing. Stop with same repeated lie. It’s getting boring already.

  15. When there’s an incumbent and multiple challengers, it’s very unusual for the incumbent to lose. Also, how many of the frum voters are registered Democrats? If you live in NYC and you want a voice in who represents you, you have to be a registered Democrat, since whoever gets the Democratic nomination is almost certain to win the general election.

  16. Also note that the large majority of frum voters in the district are registered Republicans, and thus were ineligible to vote in this Democrat primary.

  17. It is extremely embarrassing for our that this is the best we could do. Even if we couldn’t put him over the top, other politicians would be careful to cross a group of 25,000 voters. You’re upset Yvette voted for the Iran deal against the wishes of our community? why shouldn’t she ignore us, we’re irrelevant.

    To those who say we are not sheep any more and don’t vote as a block as our Rabbonim tell us, I don’t see why voting for Chaim Deustch wasn’t self evident for our community without the Rabbonim or Askonim.

  18. Hu bacha, Lakewood has plenty of imperfections and less than admirable qualities which don’t appeal to every dedicated frum family.

  19. The entire premise of Chaim Deutsch’s bid was based on the last primary results, in 2018. In those primaries less then 30,000 people voted, and Clark only narrowly defeated her oponent. The assumption here was that with the black vote split between 3 candidates, Deutch would stand a chance with the Jewish and Russian vote.
    What Chaim could not predict were 2 huge factors that played out in these primaries. Coronavirus, which led to people being home with lots of time on their hands to vote , and of course the George Floyd saga, which greatly galvanized the African American community to go out and vote.
    With these 2 factors at play, there was little chance for a white, conservative, orthodox Jew to win.

  20. If we stay home and dont vote you can not complaint when things go bad in your community.
    i myself am also lazy to go out to vote but this time i got absentee ballot by mail and i and my wife voted , so lets get the politicians to change to mail voting. I understand Pres. Trump is against it ,but his position is correct in a Presidential election where other countries have a interest in the outcome but local politics will only benefit the right candidate.

  21. Fact is frum jews don’t vote. Most don’t. I was in the voting booth on ocean Pkwy corner Elmwood and I was the only Jew. There were two others who were black voting besides me. We could of easily won this election. We should of had lines around the block. All we needed was 25 thousand votes. Chaim Deutch is a real good guy. He was head of Flatbush shomrim and helped many people. It’s a shame. Now the city is turning lefty extreme. They are going to cut one billion off police budget. Crime will go through the roof. Thank you for not voting.

  22. Why is everyone assuming that there are 25000 frum registered democrats in the 9th congressional district. Please bring proof to this number.

  23. “”Lets all go to lakewood, over there it doesnt matter if you vote or not…”

    HuBach: Thats a great reason for Yidden from Brooklyn to pack up and move to Lakewood since all the candidates are frum. So move to the Garden State with the comfort of knowing that even if there are a half dozen tsedreyt candidates on the ballot, they will all be tsedreyt frum yidden.

  24. Many areas of south brooklyn are not part of district 9, example, does not include much of Bensonhurst, Midwood and Gravesend. Although there was much advertisements in these areas.

  25. Not every frum registered Dem voted for Deutsch. Yvette Clark had an ad on another Jewish site. That means there were frum people pulling for her. Do I agree? No.

  26. To those who claim Deutsch lost because of fraud or “rigged” election, just realize that people (even from his own party) now laugh at the Trumpkopf when he screams gevalt at his rallies about hundreds of thousands of dead people being bussed in from across state lines to vote for Democrats. Here, even if they filled every Monsey Trails bus with yidden from KJ and NS, poor Chaim would still not have been a competitive candidate. Get over it. I’m glad he ran and spoke out on issues of concern but he cannot overcome (even with absenteee ballots) an other low energy campaign and an apathetic and politically diverse frum population in this district.

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