CHICAGO HEAT: 60 Shot, 9 Fatally, So Far This Weekend

Nine people have been killed, four of them minors, and 51 others have been wounded in shootings across Chicago so far this weekend.

Last weekend’s gun violence killed two people and wounded 31 others across the city.

8 Responses

  1. it’s fine and no protests anywhere as those 9 were killed not by police but by those who probably marched for the past couple of weeks and screamed Black Lives matter

  2. Whilst I understand that YWN is not a traditional news outlet with vast resources, it would be very instructive if you could identify how many of the shooters were black and how many of the dead were black, shot dead by other blacks. Are the black community internalizing BLM or does their 13% of the population still account for 60% of the shooting murders? And what percentage is black on black? It is a relief that it now seems PC to describe a black person as such and not have to type in the cumbersome “person of color”.

  3. Great idea! And the money saved by defunding the police can be used to buy everyone a gun so they can defend themselves!

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