Rubshkin to Replace CEO

rubashkin11.gifThe chief executive officer of Agriprocessors Inc. will be replaced, according to a news release issued by the company late Friday, the The Des Moines Register reports.

The announcement comes nearly two weeks after the largest single-site immigration raid in U.S. history, which occurred May 12 at the company’s Postville plant.

Sholom Rubashkin will step down after a search for a new chief executive officer is completed, the company said.

“The best course of action for the company, its employees, the local community and our customers is to bring new leadership to Agriprocessors,” said Agriprocessors Inc. owner Aaron Rubashkin in the release.

Aaron Rubashkin is Sholom Rubashkin’s father.

Agriprocessors spokesman Jim Fallon said it’s unclear what, if any, role Sholom Rubashkin will have at the plant after he is replaced.

The company will announce more details on the search for a new chief executive officer next week. The search will be conducted by an advisory committee, Fallon said.

The search will “at least” be nationwide, Fallon said.

The company will also launch its own investigation into the plant. The advisory committee will also be involved in the investigation, Fallon said. He said he didn’t know who would be on the advisory committee.

7 Responses

  1. Whats the big deal of there is a new CEO?

    Anyone else notice a shortage of Rubashkin meat in the supermarkets this week?

  2. I hope father and son will still be pals. How will this affect the reliability (or lack thereof) of the kashrus?
    Whose meat does KAJ approve of now?

  3. Talk about hipocrisy! You say you will not allow Loshon Hora on your site – what do you call these comments? The OU is not going to drop Rubashkin the main administrative Rav told me himself thursday. Stop spreading sinat chinam. everyone should get together and stand behind Jews in time of trouble. This family feeds kosher to thousands of us.

  4. This is all politics; he’s not going to leave his son in the street! He’s simply going to give the title to someone else and take care of his son some other way.

    It’s basically a shuffle at the top, and it’s done all the time when a company hits a PR disaster or some other similar reason.

  5. Some of the comments are Motzi Shem Ra, much worse than Lashon HaRa. “Lashon HaRa” involves accusations that are true, but embarrassing to Shomrei Torah UMitzvos. As no wrongdoing has been proven, the negative comments are likely Sheker; “Motzi Shem Ra” then applies.

    FYI, numerous Goyishe meat plants were also raided by the Feds, and numerous similar “violations” were found. It is still not clear whether it is the responsibility of the owner to investigate and verify the status of every employee.

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