Lakewood: Say Goodbye to Cunliffe

cunliffe.jpgAfter 12 years on the Township Committee, Charles Cunliffe will not run for a fifth term — a decision he said was made not so much by him as by leaders of the Democratic Party.

“It wasn’t really my doing,” he said by telephone this week. “The party felt it needed to move in a different direction over the last year or two, and I’d become somewhat of a lightning rod. I don’t protect my speech because of political considerations.”

Cunliffe added: “I guess I spoke my mind one too many times.”

(Source: APP)

3 Responses

  1. I guess some will inevitably say, “don’t let the door hit you on the way out”. Don’t know the man, but seemed like he did ruffle feathers, which he seems to be proud of.

    Either way, let the chatter begin about who will run for his spot and will it end with another member of the frum community on the committee.

  2. Well, the good news is that now that Cunliffe is gone, people will wake up and realize that he was merely the punching bag of our ridiculously corrupt local government.

    With Cunliffe out of sight, it will finally become clear that there is no one specific person responsible for the most dysfunctional local governance, it is simply a horrific culture of corruption that has infected everyone, yes EVERYONE, including “our” representatives.

    Lakewood spends $19,000 per public school student, more that any other town IN THE ENTIRE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!! Freehold, Jackson, & Toms River spend approximately $10,000 per child. What is it that causes Lakewood to spend about $200,000 more PER CLASS (not per school)?

    It is a one word answer CORRUPTION.

    Until now everyone blamed Cunliffe, as if he was responsible for all evil. Now people will see the truth.

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