PARKBUSTER STRIKES AGAIN: Tischler Breaks Locks In Williamsburg Park Following Showdown In Boro Park [VIDEOS]

Boro Park community personality Heshy “ParkBuster” Tischler has struck again – for the second time today. But this time, it has gone viral and gained national eyeballs.

Tischler’s morning began with a showdown with the NYC Parks Department officers who were placed in Boro Park to make sure that the 18th Avenue Park would remain closed. After having some words with the officers, they left – and the park remained open for the hundreds of children to use.

Tischler promised that the parks in Williamsburg would be opened later in the day, and true to his word, he arrived with some folks armed with a bolt-cutter and on camera, cut the locks at the Middleton Playground (Lynch Park) – to the sounds of cheering children. As YWN had reported earlier Monday morning, the Parks Department had literally welded the doors closed to prevent children from using the park.

ParkBuster Tischler then went to the “Bedford Playground”, on Bedford Ave. and South 9th Street, and forced the gates open.

Following the Williamsburg stunt, incident, the videos went viral, and gained national attention.

Senator Ted Cruz tweeted “Bravo” in a response to a tweet about the lock-breaking. And on Monday night, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted the video and wrote “Total double standard → New York’s mayor appears to be discriminating against Jewish funerals, schools, and playgrounds in enforcing his coronavirus shutdown. If Americans can protest, families should have access to their neighborhood parks.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Again, all parks are open. All playgrounds are closed. If you are too stupid to know the difference between a park and a playground, that is not the city’s problem.

  2. Hard for me to place what fringe religious cult these lunatics subscribe to.
    Certainly no connection to Torah Judaism

  3. CA, the “fringe religious cult” is called America. They are not acting as Jews, they are acting as Americans. This is what America is about. In their limudei chol they were taught about George Washington and Patrick Henry and the Boston Tea Party and they acted accordingly. So don’t complain that they don’t get enough limudei chol. The real question is why not enough other people do the same.

  4. Well done! These are TORAH JEWS that deserve they’re rights as a US CITIZEN and a NYC Resident!! If it’s safe to protest without a mask and social distancing then it’s safe to go to Park and Playground! If DeBlasio is so stupid and sees a difference (can only mumble some racism stupidity) then let him open the parks and resign from his job as an incompetent and unfit Mayor.

  5. 90% of the non Jewish comments to the tweet are supporting this. Only the self hating commentors here are always whining and deciding that if we don’t kow tow to everything an elected official says than it is a Chillul Hashem. Bunch of victim card players.

  6. 2 questions:
    1- getitstraight and chareidiamiti: what is the problem with what heshy did?? obviously you dont live in the area- or you don’t have alot of children but you dont get what’s happening here in williamsburg, thats for sure.
    and getitstraight, how are we being mechanech our children?! not to give in to antisemitism… thats terrible, isn’t it?
    2 who is the old man with the white mask- and what are they shouting at him in the second video??

  7. I want to thank YWN for posting an uncensored video with tons of expletives. I’m sure all the people who don’t use those words enjoyed it very much. My kids seemed to like it.
    Please keep posting videos like this as well as videos of our people screaming and talking down to an elected officials. That’s real news – Keep them coming. Im sure it will keep the website traffic up.

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