Schaer Religious Accommodation Bill Heads to Governors Desk

schaer3.jpgLegislation Assemblyman Gary S. Schaer sponsored to ensure that nursing home residents have the right to receive – upon request – foods that meet their respective religious dietary requirements was passed by the Senate yesterday and sent to Governor Jon S. Corzine for his signature into law.

Schaer’s bill (A-2183) would amend and augment the state’s Nursing Home Bill of Rights which was first enacted in 1976 to protect the rights of nursing homes residents.  Provisions of this law include proper documentation of personal belongings, accommodation for religious observances, protection against various discriminations and protection from undue physical duress.

“Religious freedom has always been one of America’s core values and this measure reflects and builds upon that time-honored tradition,” said Schaer (D-Passaic). “No one should ever sign-away their rights to live and worship according to their beliefs when they enter a nursing home. Respecting every religion’s dietary laws must be part-and-parcel of the delivery of care in every New Jersey nursing home.”

That measure is part of a package of religious accommodation bills that Schaer has crafted to protect the sincerely held religious beliefs, observances, and practices of New Jersey residents at schools, in employment, and at public facilities such as hospitals. This is the fifth religious accommodation law sponsored by Assemblyman Schaer to be sent to the Governor’s desk. Four previous measures were signed into law by Governor Corzine earlier this year.

One Response

  1. which state is this?
    does it apply to nursing homes owned by goyish institutions that they must provide kosher food?
    is a frozen tv dinner like airline food sufficient?

    would a Jewish nurshing home have to find islamic diet for a moslem resident?

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