Locations of Lag Ba’Omer Hadlakas

meron11.jpgJust a partial list of the various Lag Ba’Omer Hadlakas, and live music taking place tonight. All events start at approximately the same time (9:30). If you have any additional locations, feel free to post them in the comment section.


*Stolin Bais Medrash on 16th Avenue

*Kosov Bais Medrash

*Ungvar Bais Medrash

*Emunas Yisroel



*Bobov 48th Street

*Nachlas Yaakov

*Nickelsburg Kollel





*Bobov 14th Avenue





*Tzemach Tzadik, Viznitz

*Chernoble Rebbe Bais Medrash on 12th Avenue

*Lelov Rebbe 17th & 49th Street


Rav Avrohom Schorr Shlita – at Mesores Bais Yaakov (Ocean Ave & Avennue I)






*Toldos Tzvi – Spinka

*Bais Yitzchok – Spinka

*Bais Shmuel Tzvi – Spinka



*Stolin Keap Steet

*Todos Avaroh Wilson


*Nickelsberg in Monsey

*Toldos Aharon in Monsey

*Lizensk Rebbe at Yeshiva

*Tosh Bais Medrash

*Boyan in Monsey

*Todos Avrohom Yitzchok in Monsey

*Breslov Bais Medrash in Monsey (Main Street)

*Ostrov (Wesley Hills)


*Stolin Bais Medrash

*Minyan Shelanu


*Tosh Rebbe in Kiryas Tosh

*Nitra Rebbe Shlita in Mount Kisco, NY

*Pittsburg Rebbe Shlita – in Los Angeles

*Zvhiller Rebbe Shlita at the Yeshiva in Union City, NJ

*Yeshiva Yesodey Hatorah Toronto

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