NYC: Jumaane Williams To DeBlasio: “You Can No Longer Hide Behind Your Black Wife And Children’

NYC Public Advocate Jumaane Williams [who is black] blasted Mayor Delasio’s handling of the NYC protests – accusing the mayor of using his biracial family as a political shield.

“This is me talking, like, you can no longer hide behind your black wife and children, not anymore,” Williams said during a press conference streamed on Facebook Friday.

“You’re exposed now. We are at a time when we need your leadership. It is not there,” Williams said.

Williams’ rebuke comes a day after de Blasio was booed off the stage at a George Floyd memorial in Brooklyn.

When the mayor attempted to tell the crowd, “Black lives matter in New York,” one heckler shouted, “Not to you!” even as McCray stood by de Blasio’s side.

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Black lives matter is a hate group.
    They are a reemergance of the radical Black Panthers of the 70s.
    They are cousins of Antifa which is a far left group.
    They have openly stated that the worst “white privilege” is Jewish privilege.

  2. Since the protesters are not protesting the murder of most blacks at the hand of other blacks , it is clear that black lives don’t really matter to them. Blacks are just being used again by the left to further their own political agenda of tearing down the country and achieving political power.

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