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Litoeles Horabim Round-Up 5/28/08

ywn.jpgThe following items were submitted to YWN via email and asked to be posted “Litoeles Horabim”: 

#1: I recently received the economic stimulus rebate. The amount that I received was six hundred dollars less than I am entitled to. This happened because I have six children and they only credited me for four, and because only four dependants are listed on
the front of tax forms and additional children must be listed on a separate sheet. Only the ones listed on the front page were counted. I called them and they corrected the mistake. This happened to at least one other family in Lakewood. It would be worthwhile for
anyone with more than four children to double check their rebate.

A. G. Lakewood, NJ

#2: I wanted to let the New York Olam know that those people who want to travel to Toronto Canada, and from Toronto to New York — there is a special by Greyhound until June 8th. The cost is $2.00 round trip.  his special ticket extends until September 1. To book for a trip it has to be done either online or go down to the Port Authority in Manhattan.

A YWN reader. 

#3: As a chesed it would be appreciated if you would insert on your email notes the following:
Monetary items such as checks (be it for weddings, birthdays, charity) nor credit cards (such as you may want your children to have for emergency use) should not be mailed to Israel, especially to Jerusalem. I have become the next victim of one such type that was taken out of an envelope which contained a Mother’s Day card. I became suspicious when one family member received hers 3 days after mailed from N.Y. and the other one did not.

We were patient and blamed it on the mail service. When we called the bank today, we were informed that someone in Jerusalem had been using the card on the ATM and making purchases, yes in Jerusalem. When talking to others we heard other horror stories. As soon as find the culprit we will let you know. About a half year ago, a postal worker showed up with numerous charity checks at a check cashing. The check casher feeling something was fishy called the police and the postal worker was arrested. We don’t know if it was the postal worker or someone standing near the mailbox and seeing a fancy envelope from overseas saying it was his/her.

A devoted Israeli reader.

4 Responses

  1. a similar situation happened to us. we sent a tzedakah check to israel. someone stole it before it got delivered and cashed it. apparently after some investigative work it appeared the check casher was in on it as well. he was scared he would get into trouble so he payed up again to the original check receiver, but something was definitely not right.

  2. For many years now my Tzedaka checks are mailed to Israel and always arrive safe and sound without any problems. I mainly send it to Yerushalayim and to Bnei Brak.

    Shomer Ptayim Hashem!

  3. With regards to point #1, the best way to file your return with more than six children, is to write “see attached” on page 1 of your 1040, and enter all of your children on an attached sheet.

    I learned this the hard way – the IRS said that I claimed too many exemptions on my return, while in reality, what had happened was that someone lazy at the IRS entered my return with the children listed on the 1040, but didn’t enter the children on the attached paper. After doing the above, they are forced to look at the attached paper.

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