First 3 Winners of Oorah’s Laptop Giveaway Chosen!

adimage.gifThe first three of twelve lucky winners of Oorah’s Laptop Giveaway are Shifra Miyerova (New York, NY), Salomon Barnatan, (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Tzipora Lapa (Lakewood, NJ)! Mazel Tov!

We are continuing the countdown of the last 12 hours to our Auction deadline, which is today, May 22. Another eleven drawings will be held every hour on the hour, until 10:00 PM EST. There will be one lucky winner for each drawing. To enter the Free Laptop Raffle, just visit us at, click the Laptop Giveaway banner, and fill out the simple form. You may be one of the winners of a new Dell laptop!

The laptop drawing is in anticipation of Oorah’s Auction Deadline – Thursday night, May 22. And yes, you can still enter the auction online and get a chance to win big! Bonus Prizes this year include a $20,000 Shopping Spree, Around the World – Around the Year, and $25,000 CASH! All orders donated online are entered into an additional $500 raffle.

Oorah’s laptop giveaway adds a little extra sizzle to an already fantastic selection of auction prizes. But best of all, every entry helps Oorah bring Jewish children closer to our heritage. So what are you waiting for?

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