WATCH: Cuomo Calls NYPD Boss To Apologize After Saying Officers Failed

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo apologized privately to top New York City Police administrators late Tuesday after earlier in the day ripping their response to rioters as a “disgrace.”

The NYPD Chief Terence Monahan told NBC’s Today show Wednesday that Cuomo’s office called him, and the governor called commissioner Dermot Shea to apologize and clarify his remarks.

“You’d have to come out and see what these men and women are doing, don’t ever call them ineffective,” Monahan said during the interview. “As a matter of fact, last night his office called and apologized to me. I know he called the commissioner directly to apologize that that is not what he meant – that he did not mean to put down the police officers.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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