Arrests Made in Crown Heights Attack

arrested.jpg11:00AM EST: YWN has learned that the NYPD has just made two arrests in the Thursday night vicious assault against a 16-year-old Yeshiva student. The two thugs are 14 and 16 years old.

The assault prompted the Crown Heights Jewish community to stage a last-minute protest on Friday afternoon – which drew close to 1000 people in just minutes notice.

Additionally, a press conference is starting shortly at the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, where numerous elected officials are expected to address the media.

A YWN reporter is live on the scene, and we will bring you video and photo footage later today.

(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Amazingly they think it was the 14 year old who actually committed the crime. The 16 year old just “knew” about it.

  2. It won’t be five minutes until an ACLU (quite possibly Jewish r”l) attorney will be on the case to get them a) off; b) a book deal and c) a speaking engagement at the Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), Barak Obama’s church. Don’t expect to see Sharpton unless they are sent to jail.

  3. #4 u cant say Chr …Lo yeshama al picha,an issur dorysah ,people will read it and say it which u probobly do

  4. I’m not paskening, and this is just my opinion but Chri*t is not a name davka for their diety, it’s the greek word that means something like “savior” or essentially “messiah”, the J for J’s probably call him moshiach, but that doesn’t prevent us from saying the word moshiach. If you said J before the C you’d be directly refering to avoda zarah. the first three words in that sentence are more likely problematic as T– U– is blatantly their avoda zara….

  5. Uh, I have to say something in defense of my “namesake”. A rov once told me that the word christ just means, “annointed one”. This can be checked out if anyone wants; I am not bothering. However, I avoid saying it, especially in most contexts. It is probably not accurate to say that one is oiver on Lo yishoma etc. in many instances though. Ask a rov who knows.

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