What Can A COVID-19 Antibody Test Tell Me?

What can a COVID-19 antibody test tell me?

An antibody test might show if you had COVID-19 in the recent past, which most experts think gives people some protection from the virus. The tests are different from the nasal swab tests that determine if you’re currently sick.

But studies are still underway to determine what antibody level would be needed for immunity. It’s also not yet known how long any immunity might last. For now, the tests are most helpful for researchers trying to track how the virus spreads in communities.

Dozens of companies are making rapid antibody tests to help identify people who had the virus and may have developed some immunity to it.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration initially allowed companies to launch antibody tests with minimal oversight. After reports of faulty results and fraud emerged, the agency reversed course and is now requiring companies to show that their tests work.


4 Responses

  1. It will tell you if you had Covid19. It turns out that (contrary to the sensationalist press), most people who get Covid19 do not get horribly ill, and in fact don’t even realize they caught it, and therefore don’t take a test that shows if you currently have Covid19 (though having the disease without symptoms doesn’t mean you aren’t contagious). The test is politically controversial since the results suggest that as many as 90% of the “victims” of the disease didn’t get sick, meaning that rather than a dread plague threatening society and requiring stern measures and great sacrifices, it was a slightly more dangerous version of the seasonal flu (also a virus) that for most people is more of a nuisance than a threat, and that is rarely life threatening to other than the sick and elderly meaning the government
    shelter in place” policies were seriously in error.

  2. Akuperma u are so wrong. I used to think that way till my thin healthy young husband was hooked up to a vent for three weeks and a close friends husband suddenly dropped dead. This ain’t sensationalized

  3. “akuperma” how stupid are you!
    Comparing this to the regular flu & saying covid is only slight more dangerous.
    The regular flu usually kills 10-20 thousand each year in the USA.

    While covid has in less than 3 months already killed over 80 thousand. And that’s only because of all the safeguards that were put into place. Without them, chas v’sholom to think how many more would’ve died. Please THINK before hitting the send button!

  4. Long island yid. Talk about being wrong, check the numbers for the flu season of 2017-18. There was about close to 80,000 deaths in the us. While not saying corona virus isn’t dangerous its def being portrayed very wrong by a big portion of the main-stream media. The main danger of this virus is the extremely high contagion level, not the actual danger it poses to each individual.
    One more thing, while the number of 80k seems to be the accepted number. If you read all the charts on the cdc website, you’ll see that a HUGE portion of that number were deaths that were not directly from corona or not confirmed to be because of corona, but rather pneumonia and other indirect causes, some of which they believe are linked to corona and are therefore being counted as a corona death. For example pneumonia, they believe corona causes pneumonia, so anyone who dies of pneumonia is being counted as a corona death.
    Was the lockdown a good idea? Maybe, although not much evidence to support it. Evidence points more to climate having an effect on it. But we did it anyways. The problem is that this was supposed to be for two weeks just to help prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. We are now past that point. The hospitals are no longer overwhelmed. To prove the point, the USS Comfort was sent to NY for this very reason. It had the capability of holding 1,000 patients. It was sent away 2 weeks later after only treating under 80.
    There is no longer a good enough reason to keep tyrannical laws in place which have violated our constitutional rights to begin with. The government can and prob should strongly recommend safety protocols. But not make laws and arrest ppl for breaking them while freeing murders for the very same reason they are arresting moms trying to give their kids a childhood and a little bit of much needed exercise, both physically and mentally. If the only way you feel safe is by locking yourself in your house, then by all means please do. Just don’t tell me what to do and how to live my life.

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