BOMBSHELL: VP Biden & Other Top Obama Officials Pushed To “Unmask” General Flynn

Top Obama administration officials purportedly requested to “unmask” the identity of former national security adviser Michael Flynn during the presidential transition period, according to a list of names from that controversial process made public on Wednesday.

The list was declassified in recent days by Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell and then sent to GOP Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson, who made the documents public. The roster features top-ranking figures including then-Vice President Joe Biden — a detail already being raised by the Trump campaign in the bare-knuckle 2020 presidential race where Biden is now the Democrats’ presumptive nominee.

The list also includes then-FBI Director James Comey, then-CIA Director John Brennan, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and Obama’s then-chief of staff Denis McDonough.

When asked about this on Wednesday afternoon, Trump said the following: “Biden ‘was a big unmasker…It’s one of the very big stories & I suspect, if it’s possible, even bigger stories coming out.”

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16 Responses

  1. This is the biggest political scandal in US history. Much much bigger than Watergate. Using the FBI to spy on the other party’s presidential campaign, and then to undermine the incoming administration, and finally the FBI conspiring against the sitting president, to whom it owes loyalty. It amounts to an attempted bloodless coup.

  2. Will Pelosi launch Biden impeachment hearing in the House now? Don’t hold your breath. Democrats are most evil bunch and sleaziest of the sleazebags. Just like Nazis and Communists before them they would accept any means to justify their goals. They should never hold any power in US or this country is finished.

  3. Milhouse, you said it like it is! You speak like the one whose name you carry: one of the greatest presidents!
    MoisheInGolus, you too!

  4. Moishe:

    Wise observation. But now we, in the grass roots need to move, and do so seriously. Look around the frum community, with equal eye to the chassidishe and litveshe communities. They all have askanim who constantly lobby to push any of many possible agendas for us. They addressed metzitza, school funding, the educational standards, and countless others. We read about some of these in the media, others have no public exposure. It may be wonderful what these askanim accomplish. Yeshivos have continued to receive huge floods of cash, despite the elimination of several of these funding pipelines. We continue to have suspension of alternate side parking on Yomim Tovim, besides a host of other considerations. In a sense, the government has been quite nice to us, despite huge flaws.

    But these same askanim support some of the worst who have managed to get into public office by virtue of the Democratic Party machine, that is a corrupt as some of the worst crime families. I will name Schumer and Nadler as examples of US officials who serve a large Jewish population, who are confirmed liars and wholly dishonest. But the askanim know how to use them to procure government funds and grants, and they support them. Large portions of our population voted for corrupt Hillary, and are prepared to push brain-dead, hypocrite Biden into office to bump up the Democrats. Until we dismantle our part of the machine, and stop these people from pushing these rotten eggs into office because they funnel them money, nothing will change.

  5. This is a big fat juicy nothing burger concocted by Trump and his sycophants to detract from the terrible failing of the administration to protect the health of US citizens during a pandemic.
    Facts do not lie and the over 80,000 dead Americans are Trump’s responsibility.

    Hannity and Fox and friends will be able to promise their listeners that this is the greatest scandal in the entire US history. Everyone is going to jail.
    They will rake in millions from advertising during the next few months.

    In the end , it is all fake, false and phony.

    The real scandal is why isn’t Trump impeached as the death toll continues to rise.

  6. YITZCHOK2, it is you who needs to get a “life”. The death of 83,000 people at the hands of Chinese Communists has nothing to do with destroying the life of incontinent man. It is obvious you stand on the side of immorality and evil. And please, next time come up with something original instead of repeating Joe Biden’s silly excuses.

  7. News flash : China brought us this pandemic. And NY Democrat leadership is to blame for half the corona-related deaths in the US. And we have yet to see a politician offer a better alternative response to this unprecedented Matzav. In fact the infection/fatality predictions were much more dire than what we are actually seeing, Baruch HaShem, so kudos to Trump and his administration, and make sure to vote for him in the 2020 election.

  8. It is only a “bombshell” if you actually believe that Democrats believe in “fair play” and “rule of law”. If you had been paying attention to the steadily rising disrespect for rights of others that has characterized the “politically correct” Democratic party of the last generation, this was a clear “What’s the hiddush?” rather than a “Bombshell!!!”.

    P.S. To YITZCHOK2 — well over a million Americans have died this year, and over 10 Million have died since Trump took office. What do you want him to do? Do you really think he can raise the dead? If you to blame anyone, blame the Nachas and Chava for not moving faster and getting to the Tree of Life before getting caught.

  9. Chris Christie warned trump not to let Flynn anywhere near a national security post, and as head of the transition, he refused to put him on any list for such a position.

  10. I would love to see him pull a Nixon and resign in disgrace.
    He needs to admit that as president he alone is responsible for the deaths of Americans due to his actions.
    The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19.
    Donald Trump eliminated it — and now we’re paying the price

  11. jackk, rEtARD, Stevenn, YITZCHOK2 you are all lying shills for Democrats. You knowingly spreading lies and propaganda on this form. I doubt you have any decency left in you even to be ashamed of yourselves.

  12. “The Obama-Biden Administration set up the White House National Security Council Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense to prepare for future pandemics like COVID-19.
    Donald Trump eliminated it — and now we’re paying the price”

    I’m sure that department did nothing but funnel money to Obama’s cronies. Kinda like Solandra.
    Liberal believe in symbolism over substance.

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