(VIDEO) By Klal Yisroel…For Klal Yisroel. A Kabbolah for the Corona Victims

Recognizing the zechus that we have to daven to Hakadosh Boruch Hu, numerous people have committed to demonstrate greater respect for our shuls when we merit to return to them. These individuals, understanding the special connection forged in our sorely-missed botei knesses, have been mekabel not to take out their phones in shul. 

To memorialize the many special neshamos who have been taken from us during this pandemic, a new global project has been launched, allowing Jews across the globe to undertake this kabbolah l’llui nishmosom. 

Many of these COVID-19 niftarim did not merit a respectable levayah or shivah.  What can we do to create zechusim for their neshamos?

We can take on this very special kabbolah to keep our cell phones out of sight when we are in a makom tefillah. 

Join by submitting your name HERE ([email protected]) so that it can be added to the website containing all those who are participating in this worldwide effort to increase kedushas bais haknesses and be mekadeish Sheim Shomayim in a real, tangible, practical and meaningful way.

It will make our prayers more potent, resulting in yeshuos that only tefillos can bring.

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