Jackson, NJ: Bias Assault Against Lakewood Yungerman

pd car2.gifA 33-year-old Lakewood Yungerman was assaulted on Monday evening as he was shopping at the Co-Op (NGPS) located on West Countyline Road – in neighboring Jackson Township.

Sources tell YWN, that the man was doing his grocery shopping, when he was suddenly approached by two teenagers. One teen was holding a cell-phone and appeared to be taking a video or photos of the man. Before the man could say anything about why he was being filmed, the second teen punched the man in the face, and both teens fled the store.

Lakewood Hatzolah was called, and the man was treated for facial trauma, and transported to the hospital in stable condition, Boruch Hashem.

A highly reliable source tells YWN, that upon fleeing the store, one of the thugs dropped his cell phone – virtually giving the Jackson PD an upper-hand in the investigation. Although YWN can’t confirm if the cell phone retrieved was the one with the photos of the attack, the cell phone recovered DID have lots of anti-Semitic, and hateful text messages on it.

Based on evidence collected, Detectives from the Jackson PD investigated the assault as a bias-crime, and as of Tuesday afternoon, the Jackson PD successfully arrested two 16-year-old’s in connection with the assault.

Both were charged with bias intimidation and simple assault by the Ocean County Prosecutors Office, and released to their parents, until their court appearances.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

10 Responses

  1. I can’t believe that the two teens were released until court!! They are unsafe to be out in the public! Hashem Yiracheim on us! This is happeneing so often. We must make our streets look holier & Hashem will fill the streets with His shemira, as Mrs. Moskowitz said, wife of Rav Mordechai who was asaulted in Lakewood a few months ago. We have to dress & act more appropriately in the streets & then with Hashem’s help this won’t happen anymore!

  2. I personally know this yungerman. He would never start up with any one. And Baruch Hashem he is fine. We are relieved that his injuries were not more severe.
    What is this world coming to, we cant even shop anymore……

  3. Granted the previous message was said tongue in cheek.

    We should all thank the Jackson PD for a good job in aprehending the thugs. I certainly hope they have hteir day in court and are found guilty. The yungerman should also sue them and their parents for civil rights violations (what’s good for the goose is good for the gander!).

  4. The co-op has many cameras, the kids just didn’t care. Unfortunately, the one spot the cameras didn’t cover was the spot where they punched the man. However they were in the store for several minutes beforehand, and they police were able to get a good look at their faces.

    It’s a shame that they can pretty much walk away because of their ages, and will probably get not much more than a slap on the wrist. It would have been beautiful if the employees who ran after them would have caught them (the kids were on skateboards, so they didn’t). Without a doubt they would have spent many months in the hospital.

    Someone should open a Krav Maga school in Lakewood, and get a few respected rabbis to endorse it. This isn’t the first time something of this nature has happened in Lakewood, and there’s no guarantee that it’ll be the last, although one can always hope.

  5. This should be a Hate Crime, by us in Crown Heights we sadly have these tipe of assaults daily, most crimes against jews by us are Hate Crimes, but the NYPD 71st Precinct “Does Not” think it’s a hate crime.

  6. I’m sure that the kids wanted to post the video on You Tube, just as other teens have done beating up classmates (yes, they really do). The police would have gotten these guys even if they hadn’t dropped the phone since You Tube isn’t going to protect them.

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