Manchester: Non-Jew To Secular Jewish Neighbor: “Let Them Pray!”

Like all frum Jews around the world during the coronavirus pandemic, the frum community in Manchester has been davening in improvised minyanim on porches, in yards, gardens and courtyards.

One location in particular where minyanim are being held in the safest way possible, according to all regulations, is the apartment complex opposite the central Machzieki HaDas shul in the Salford neighborhood, where the mispallelim each daven from their own courtyard, as can be seen in the video below.

One of the residents told B’Chadrei Charedim: “The minyanim have been held like this since before Pesach. There’s one secular Jewish resident in the area who is particularly disgruntled by the davening. One day he yelled at us to stop because it bothers him.”

“Suddenly a non-Jewish neighbor came outside and yelled at him to calm down, adding that the prayers are very beautiful and she’s very moved by them. The secular Jew went back into his house and never yelled at us again.”

One of the frum neighbors, a well-known Rebbitzen, brought a large bouquet of flowers to the non-Jewish neighbor to show the community’s gratitude for her standing up to the neighbor and her kind words.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Just curious, if you don’t move to Israel because you hold we are still in gallus, then why do you walk around like you own the countries who host you ? Perhaps you found one nice woman who appreciates a little yiddishkite, but for every one of her there are 10 more who don’t. So if you believe you are in gallus then act like it. And if not, then make aliya.

  2. Jeff Stuart Israel is the biggest golus of all. The whole country is full of people who battle the Charedim on everything, won’t let us live. Biggest apikorsim on the planet are in Israel.

  3. I have davened in that minyan and want to make clear that each person daven’s in their home from the window and only the chazzon is outside. And, Jef stuart we believe that we are in gollus but this minyan is not at all wrong since nobody is coming in contact with anyone else. Borach Hashem you have the great zechus to live in Eretz yisroel but don’t try making people who don’t have that zechus feel bad. There are probably a much bigger issues that you have with haters in Eretz Yisroel than what we have in chutz leoretz.

  4. I davened in that minyan and want to make clear that each person daven’s in their home from the window and only the chazzon is outside. And, Jef stuart we believe that we are in gollus but this minyan is not at all wrong since nobody is coming in contact with anyone else and it was very nice to see that woman defending us since she saw that no wrong was done. Borach Hashem you have the great zechus to live in Eretz yisroel but don’t try making people who don’t have that zechus feel bad. There are probably much bigger issues that you have with haters in Eretz Yisroel than what we have in chutz leoretz.

  5. Why does article say all frum Jews have been davening with porch and back yard minyanim. Many (maybe most) frum Jews have listened to the hundreds of doctors and Rabbonim who have not recommended these type of minyonim, for halachic and health reasons. Besides, how do those who participate in these minyanim know who they are annoying or disturbing? Manchester is not our territory, to do what we like, where we like. It is precisely because we continue to be so comfortable in Golus, that the Golus continues! Manchester is not Eretz Yisroel! And as for ‘haters’ in Eretz Yisroel – ask the average Israeli Chareidi how many times they have experienced ‘haters’ in their lives. Don’t be deceived by the media (or other anti-Israel sources) who seeks to make the problems much worse that they are!

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