SALUTING FLATBUSH HATZOLAH HEROES: Flatbush Shomrim, NYPD, FDNY And Emergency Vehicle Convoy Thanks Volunteers

Hakoras Hatov, gratitude, is one of the fundamentals of being Jewish, and there is no greater organization in our midst that needs our Hakoras Hatov, then the members of Hatzolah in every neighborhood.

Hatzolah is there for your communities, with their incredible 2 minute response time, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Unfortunately, there was no greater time since the founding of Hatzolah around 50 years ago, when their services were used, more than during the COVID-19 pandemic.

At one point, Hatzolah across NYC was responding to more than 550 calls a day (actual ambulance responses) throughout all the various neighborhoods. During the peak of the crisis, the Hatzolah emergency hotline was fielding over 1,000 calls a day.

Flatbush Hatzolah volunteers responded to thousands of those COVID-19 emergencies, and the community recognizes their heroic actions.

Flatbush Shomrim decided that the community should show their support, and arranged a massive convoy of emergency vehicles to salute the volunteers at the Flatbush Hatzolah Headquarters located on Ocean Avenue and Avenue N.

Thanks to NYPD Deputy Chief Charles Scholl, Lieutenant Ira (Yitzy) Jablon and the commanding officers of all the local Precincts (60, 63, 66, 70), numerous NYPD vehicles participated. Rabbi Jack Meyer of Misaskim arranged for the FDNY to join, and many other private ambulance companies that work with Hatzolah each day (Senior Care, RCA, and Assist) all joined as well. Around 50 Shomrim members along with their Command Center filled the convoy.

Due to restrictions of social distancing, the entire event was streamed live on Zoom for all the members of Hatzolah and their families to participate and be thanked, as their hero husbands and fathers were out of their homes and in harms was for many weeks saving lives.

The procession began with NYPD Chief Scholl on his loudspeaker saying “on behalf of the Mayor of NYC Bill DeBlasio, the NYPD, the FDNY, and all the residents of Brooklyn, we want to thank Flatbush Hatzolah for the outstanding work you’re doing, on behalf of Flatbush Shomrim and all the Coordinators, we want to thank you and keep up the great work.”

Thank you Hatzolah!



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