Bonei Olam Dinner Draws Countless Thousands to Ateres Chaya Hall

YW-Bonei Olam Dinner-016.jpg(Click HERE for photos) With each passing year, and with each new Bonei Olam dinner, the records are broken and the unbelievable SiYata D’Shmaya that Bonei Olam experiences is evident for all to see.

To say that there was standing room only at the Bonei Olam dinner last night would be an extreme understatement. For thousands upon thousands of members of the Boro Park community (and many from surrounding neighborhoods) flocked to Ateres Chaya to take part in this momentous occasion.

Besides for the main ballroom which was filled to beyond capacity by Rabanim from all sectors of Klal Yisroel as well as askanim and other community members, the upstairs ballroom was utilized to seat an additional few hundred guests and the Kosov side ballroom was also used and filled to the brim. And that is just for the men! The women had their own huge tent which was set up alongside the entire outside walls of the building and was quickly filled with hundreds of women who took the time to attend the dinner.

A special medical achievement award was presented to Dr. Mark R. Hughes, a special individual who has changed the face of genetic medicine, and whose work has  afforded hope to so many mishpachos in Klal Yisroel to have healthy children. When he was introduced he received a standing ovation which lasted almost 2 minutes.

The assembled were treated to many uplifting speeches by the honorees, a personal story by a man that was helped by Bonei Olam and to a heartwarming video presentation highlighting the remarkable history of Bonei Olam and celebrating the birth of the 1,000th Bonei Olam baby in the past year. (To date 1,066 babies have been born to Bonei Olam assisted families across the world)

“I have never in my life seen such a thick dinner journal,”  remarked one of the attendees. The fact that the journal was over two thousand pages thick is no surprise at all, and is a testament to the special place Bonei Olam holds in the hearts of Yidden everywhere.

The community continues to be there for Bonei Olam, because Bonei Olam continues to be there for the community, without fail!

In the words of R’ Shloime Bochner at last night’s dinner, “Let us remember to daven for one another, for the Tefilos of one yid for a brother or sister in pain, is what pierces the heavens and brings Yeshuos to Klal Yisroel”.

May the Ribono Shel Olam bless us all that we should merit the speedy coming of Moshiach, and merit a world without childlessness or any other ailments. Amen.

Bonei Olam is constantly hosting events around the country. To get involved in an event in your community, please email [email protected]. For more info on Bonei Olam, please see their website by clicking HERE

(Photos taken by “Heshy Rubenstein – Kol Ha’Olam Kulo“)

2 Responses

  1. I wish the editors would put captions on the pictures they include on this website. I don’t really know who is who well enough and I’m sure there are people I’ve heard of, gedolim I just don’t recognize etc. Could someone spend 5 minutes when they are uploading all these great pictures to tell us what we’re looking at? Thanks.

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