Levaya of Mrs Chava Weisberger A”H of Boro Park / Lakewood

YWN regrets to inform you of the passing of Mrs. Chava Weisberger a’h, almana of the famed mechanech and rabbinic personality Rav Zevulun Weisberger zt’l.

Mrs. Weisberger was renowned as a baalas chesed of the first order. She was an innovator of projects who worked hands-on to send containers of clothing and shoes to the poor of Eretz Yisroel and helped impoverished kallahs and their families.

For many years Mrs Weisberger served as nurse / camp mother in Camp Na’arim and later in Camp Ohr Shraga where she and her family forged close ties with Gedolei Yisroel such as Rav Yaakov Kamenetsky zt’l, Rav Zelik Epstein zt’l and Rav Nesabel Quinn zt’l.

She leaves behind a family of outstanding Bnai Torah including her sons Rav Dovid of Monsey, Rav Yisroel of Lakewood, Rav Avi of South Fallsburg and daughters Mrs. Shanny Trenk of Boro Park and Mrs. Esther Moskowitz of Lakewood, as well as many grandchildren and great grandchildren continuing along the golden path of their grandparents who so many decades ago blazed a trail of Torah and Mitzvos in an America that was a spiritual dessert.

Levaya will be Sunday morning at 10:30. Zoom link
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83740844455?pwd=V0RUVExQVDl4bm9IV3drYnRyUGptUT09 Password: 253880

669-900-9128 or 253-215-8782
Webinar ID: 837 4084 4455
Password: 253880

Tehi Zichra Brucha.

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