EMOTIONAL VIDEO ROUNDUP: Chicago Hatzalah Dispatcher & Others Off Vents & Respirators Return Home To Singing!

The attached videos are just some of the wonderful news that unfortunately gets drowned out is the avalanche of bad news.

Bichasdei Hashem, many people have been released from the hospital, and many more are scheduled to be released.

The following videos are just a sample of some of the good news.

The first video was taken on Monday afternoon in Chicago, when Hatzalah Dispatcher R’ Yisroel Saacks returned home – after he was on a ventilator for three weeks.

The following video is R’ Shia Frankel of Boro Park as he arrived home from the hospital, where he had once been listed in critical condition from COVID-19.

The following video is R’ Nesanel Fried (Lakewood) returning home from the hospital where he was in critical condition.

The following video is of R’ Michael Goldsmith returning home after being a respirator in critical condition. 

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

One Response

  1. The first video is of Hatzalah member Refoel Yisroel sacks. While Yisroel battled the virus, the Lubavitch community of Chicago united to say hundreds of chapters of Tehillim for his recovery, and on Erev Pesach the name Refoel was added to his name.

    On Monday afternoon, he was released from the hospital and was welcomed by family, friends and community upon his return home. (collive)

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