Community Doctors Sign Letter Against Rapid COVID-19 Testing

As frum physicians from varied communities, we warn the כלל of the dangers of rapid COVID-19 antibody/immunity tests being offered within our neighborhoods, both at homes and in medical offices. These tests have questionable accuracy and have not yet been properly tested.

1- FDA approved community-based rapid tests of immunity to COVID-19 are not yet available. (Reliable tests are in development.)

2- There are currently no rapid tests for COVID-19 that can accurately tell you whether or not you can still become infected or whether you can still infect others with COVID-19.

3- No social distancing decisions should be made on the basis of any currently offered rapid tests. These inaccurate tests will dangerously cause many to mistakenly conclude they are immune or no longer spreading the virus, leading to a second wave of COVID-19 transmission in our communities.

In these precarious times, there are many opportunities to take advantage of people. The כלל must remain vigilant.

We urge everyone to continue following strict quarantine guidelines and to follow the direction of your trusted Rabbonim, doctors and elected officials.

We the undersigned unanimously support the above statements:

Joseph E. Glaser, MD

Shevie Kassai, MD

Austin Bach, DO, MPH
Yonah Bardos, MD MBE
Suzanne Hagler, MD
Rivka Stone MD PhD

Moshe Shapiro, MD

Jennifer Berkovich, DO

Menachem Nagar, MD

Levi Atanelov, MD
Dov Frankel, MD
Daniel Grove, MD
Dani Poliakoff, MD
Avi Z. Rosenberg MD, PhD
Ron Samet, MD
Elliot Schwarzenberger, MD

Catherine Geller, MD
Jay Idler, MD
Rodolfo Farhy, MD
Jessica Triest, MD

Jose Greenspon, MD

Frederick Ezon, MD
Ike Ezon, MD
Loren Franco, MD
Aton M. Holzer, MD
Abraham (Avi) Knoll, MD
Miriam A Knoll, MD
Hillel Peltz, DO
Shelly Rishty, MD
Daniel Roth, MD
Elias Sasson, MD
Mordechai M. Tarlow, MD
Aleksey Tentler, MD
Deena Wasserman, MD

Nava Bak, MD
Aviva Berkowitz, MD
Akiva Bergman MD
Elliot Bigajer, DO
Raphael Bollag, MD
Justin Cohen, MD
Moshe Cohn, MD
Faraj Faour, MD
Stuart Ditchek, MD
Joseph Durzieh, MD
Jonathan Garellek, MD
Dov Ginsburg MD, PhD
Rabbi Aaron E. Glatt, MD
Elliot Goodman, MD
Josh Greenstein MD
Oren Guttman, MD
Meyer S. Halberstam, MD
Rabbi Henry Hasson, MD
Shari Hirsch, MD
Judah Horowitz, MD
Robert (Yaakov) Kadar, MD
Elana Kastner, MD
Joseph Kaplovitz, DO
Yair Keilson, MD
Menachem Kirschenbaum DO
Asaf Klein, MD
David M Klein, MD
Eric Kupferstein, DO
Aharon Lauterpacht MD
Miriam R. Lieberman, MD
Hylton Lightman MD DCH (SA)
Lazer Leifer, MD
Dr. Melinda Mann, MD
Charles Manopla, MD
Hindi Mermelstein, MD
Shlomo Minkowitz, MD
Eli Miller, MD
Alisa Minkin, MD
David Minzer DO
Sherrie Neustein Orzel M.D.
Isaac Reich, MD
Chana Ringel, MD
Raymond Reich, MD
Sarah Rosanel, MD
David Rubin, DO
Gabby Saadia, MD
Tehila A. Saadia, MD
Robert Setton, MD
Jimmy Sitt, MD
Dr. Rivka Y. Stein, MD
Jeffrey L Teitelbaum, MD
Sima Terebelo, MD, MPH
David Turner DO
Shimshon Wiesel, DO
Shimshi Zimmerman, DO
Israel Zyskind, MD

Ilana R. Baltuch, MD
Charles (Shaya) Barax, MD
Tami Danilewitz, MD
Samuel Ganz, DO
Rachel Niknam, MD
Carol R. Sirken, MD
Ari Y. Weintraub, MD

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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