Bonei Olam Dinner Tonight!

bo.jpgThe annual Bonei Olam New York  dinner is tonight, Monday May 19th in the Ateres Chaya hall in Boro Park! The dinner is open to everyone to attend.  Join Bonei Olam in celebrating the births of over 1,000 Yiddishe Kinderlach across the world.
The honorees at the dinner include Rav Moshe Fogel, Rav of Gur Boro Park, Rav Yaakov Gold, son of the Kroli Rebbe, Mr. Bentzy Lebowitz, Guest of honor, Mr. Abe Eisner, Olam Chesed Yiboneh awardee, Mr. Mordechai Fried, Askanus award, as well as many “Nezer Habonim” awardees from across the various Kehilos of Boro Park.
A special Medical achievement award will be given to Dr. Mark R. Hughes, MD, PhD, Director of Genesis institute in Detroit, MI. Dr. Hughes has developed many procedures that allow many couples to circumvent many complicated genetic issues in their children, and his techniques are currently used by Genetic centers across the world.
Bonei Olam is the sole organization that has undertaken the awesome responsibility of financing fertility related treatments for couples that have not yet been blessed with a child of their own.
Your support and participation at any Bonei Olam event around the world, from a small breakfast to a massive dinner, makes you a partner with the Creator Himself in the miracle of life!
For more information about Bonei Olam, please click HERE

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