UPDATE: Flatbush: Child Struck by Ambulance


UPDATE 3:40PM EST: Although previously reported that this child had passed away (by many news agencies including CBS etc), the child is now reported to be in stable condition at the hospital. 

12:16PM EST: (Original story) An ambulance struck and killed a 15-year-old child this morning in the heart of Flatbush. YWN had reported earlier (“News Alerts”), that a child was struck by a vehicle on Coney Island Avenue near Avenue K – and was rushed to Kings County Trauma Center with critical injuries.

A source tells YWN, that the ambulance was a “Columbia Presbyterian” ambulance (possibly based out of the Community Hospital, on Avenue N and East 26th Street) – and it is unknown if they were responding to an emergency or not.

Upon striking the child, the two paramedics attempted to save the child’s life, and transported the child to the hospital in their own ambulance, but tragically the child was pronounced dead at the hospital.

Chevra Kaddisha services were not required for this tragic incident.

(Click HERE for original story)

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. The ambulance was responding to another call. The Ambulance had a green light which was ready to turn yellow and the lights and sirens were blearing.

    The 15 year old girl ran into the street against the light and unfortunately the ambulance threw the girl from the cross walk onto Coney Island Ave.

    The girl had no chance. The amabulance , eventhough had the right of way was going too fast.

    Ambulances ought to slow down at busy intersections.

    the girl was on her way to the public school on Ave K and E 9 St.


  2. During eh accident investigation there were more than 20 vehicles that ran the red light.

    You would think that people would have the brains to stop at a red light when you have highway police and other police officials at the scene.

    What is with the driving in our neighborhoods?

  3. It seems that the girl was not Jewish which in no way minimizes the Tragedy.Any way An Ambulance should always use lights and sirens for an Emergengcy, not for a Lunch Run since the public gets used to the sirens and doesnt pay attention to them.

  4. I was at the accident scene as it happened and the girl did not look good at all. She WAS alive at the time but the police officers who arrived for their investigation (30 minutes later) stated she was dead.

    Channel 2 states she passed away. Channel 2, 7 and 12 ONLINE reports that the girl passed away.

    Why would highway police do a 3 hour investigation for someone that is alive?

    Where does yeshivaworld get it’s information that she is alive? We hope she is alive but every news organization is reporting the opposite.

    We are not fans of the mainstream media but in this partiuclar case who do we believe?

    Editors Response: YWN gets its news from contacts in the NYPD – and in this case from the Kings County emergency-room trauma doctors. Regarding your question as to why they conducted a 3 hour investigation: That is standard procedure when the injuries are severe. If the person passes away, and the scene is already dismantled, the police will never be able to conduct the investigation properly.

    Many news sites have already changed their story..

    The following is from WABC Channel 7:

    A teenage girl was struck by an ambulance while crossing an intersection in the Midwood section of Brooklyn Monday morning.
    The 13-year-old girl was struck at the intersection of Coney Island Avenue and Avenue K just after 8:30 a.m.
    She was hit by an ambulance operated by New York-Presbyterian, according to police.
    Although it was previously reported that Janeyshaa Benn was killed in the crash, she is still alive and listed in stable at Kings County Hospital. Her parents have asked the hospital to provide no further information on her condition.

  5. We assume yeshiavworld is correct with their information and we commend them for getting accurate information.

    Even cbs2ny.com still can’t get their facts together. if you look at their headliner it’s comical.

    You will notice that their headliner states “13 year old girl hit…..” And the next sentance she turned 15 years old.

    from cbs2ny.com

    Ambulance Hits 13-Year-Old Girl In Brooklyn
    Victim Is In Critical Condition

    BROOKLYN (CBS) ― A 15-year-old Brooklyn girl was struck by an ambulance Monday morning and later died from her injuries.

    Police say the ambulance struck the girl around 8:45 at Coney Island Avenue and Avenue K in the Midwood section of the borough.

    Medics in the ambulance then rushed the girl to Kings County Hospital where she was pronounced dead.

    The accident is currently under investigation.

  6. I also thought the news reports this afternoon were a little odd. 1010 WINS stated in its headline that the girl was on life support at the hospital, but in the article stated that she had died before reaching the hospital. The story has obviously changed, since it’s no longer on their front page.

  7. As Mark Twain said, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

    Hope the girl IS alive & that she recovers. If the original reports were erroneous, & she isn’t dead, there’s a real problem with misinformation. We should all take heed of the fact that just because something’s reported in the media doesn’t make it accurate.

    A good lesson to learn.

  8. I just got back from the Hospital and she is alive. The driver (a frum person) was judged to be correct, and the girl ran in front of the ambulance, even when told by the guard not to. This was an unfortunate accident, and could have ended much worse.

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