Update From Rabbi Yehudah Kaszirer Of Bikur Cholim Of Lakewood

Good afternoon,
It is 12 pm on Thursday.

It is Yehudah Kaszirer from Bikur Cholim over here, Baruch HaShem with some good news. Bli Ayin Hara over the past two days, alone, approximately ten patients have been safely discharged from local hospitals.

Baruch HaShem a woman that tested Corona positive delivered a healthy baby yesterday as well.

Let us daven to the Ribono shel olam that we should only hear good news.

Unfortunately, as we are speaking there 150 patients which are in local and regional hospitals. Additionally, there are approximately 35 patients on respirators as we are speaking.

Bikur Cholim has been extremely resourceful and been able to donate 14 respirators which are going onto patients this morning in our local hospitals. Once again, we want to thank all of those that donated that.

At this point Bikur Cholim, Hatzalah, and many community doctors have been working for over two weeks straight- 24/7. There has not been an hour where we haven’t interacted with each other to help the kehila out.

The one stumbling block that is stopping us, and is really getting in our way, is in everyones hand in this message. We are asking everybody please please please – zero social gathering! Don’t get yourself stuck on a picture of being in the wrong place. Don’t be in an area where you shouldn’t be. Don’t get stuck in the media for not listening to these rules.

This is the biggest stumbling block for our community.

There are people that are trying in every way shape or form to make the situation better and get proper medical care over here and ensuring that our ​Kehila gets the best.

Please do your part.

You are the one that can make that difference.

Let us daven to the Ribono shel Olam that this mageifa should be over and we should be ​Zoche to see ​Moshiach ​Tzidkeinu.

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