MAILBAG: Hatzolah Wives – The Real Heroes

Dear Hatzolah Wives,

Over the past 3 weeks our lives have turned from the usual to the unexpected.

As wives of Hatzoloh members we have the unfortunate ability to see the dire situation from an entirely different angle.

As the entire world is closing themselves into their homes away from any human contact our husbands our running out into the very homes of patients with the virus.

Our husbands are in the line of fire as they help and assist patients with a disease that doctors forewarn about. Often the very thought of this petrifies me. I find my self getting caught up in the what if and what will be? Once again when the radio calls out another emergency of a patient in need of help I watch helplessly as my husband jumps onto his bike to help a fellow yid. Feeling helpless has made me realize how fragile and uncertain life is.

But with all the uncertainty surrounding us – the only certainty we have is that by us encouraging our husbands I’m sure Hashem is looking at us and smiling.

In these uncertain times I feel best trusting that I am putting myself and my family in Hashem hands by doing what He would want us to do – and remain safe at home while our husbands are responding to emergencies.

So dear Hatzoloh Wives you are not alone in all this confusion – together WE DO form a backbone that no disease can ever destroy. Although we might not know each other very well, and don’t see each other often we share a special bond. All of us are in this battle together encouraging, cheering, supportive and hopeful. And for this we will only come out stronger and better. We form a group that I feel special to be a part of, a badge of honor I wear proudly.

Let us continue to help our husbands watch over Hashems children and I’m sure he will watch over us. I am sure that just as we help our husbands fight on the frontlines of this awful disease we too will be on the front lines with our families to greet Mashiach – Bimihaira Biyamenu!

May Hashem watch over all of klal Yisroel and cure all those in need of a refua shilaima.
With admiration for you all,

Leah Markowitz (Mrs Antwerp-05)

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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