CORONA VICTIM: R’ Michoel Tzvi Fettman Z”L, 39 Years Old of Lakewood, Boro Park

YWN regrets to inform you of the tragic Petira of R’ Michel Tzvi Fettman Z”L from the COVID-19 virus. He was 39.

The Niftar, a father of 9 children, was taken to Kimball Hospital in Lakewood five days ago for COVID-19 symptoms. Unfortunately, his condition deteriorated until his Petira on Monday afternoon.

Originally from Boro Park, the Niftar had moved to Lakewood recently, and lived in the “Oak Vine” community.

An emergency Chesed Fund campaign was set up to help the Almanah and 9 Yesomim. PLEASE HELP THEM IN THIS TRAGIC TIME.

Boruch Dayan HaEmmes…

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. To all Yiddisher Doctors, I may sound HARSH but you have to know that it is VERY irresponsible of you to do NOTHING for your fellow YID!!!

    I have 3 family members who ended up in the Hospital with Pneumonia one of them is on a respirator. IT is the fault of their irresponsible doctors!!!! One family member who wasn’t yet put in the ICU, I hooked him up with DR Vladimir Zelenko Md (845) 782-0000 and he prescribed him with the medication he published on-air, my family member is home and doing much better. He went from almost being put in ICU to home and getting better.

    Doctors do the right thing and SAVE LIVES!!!! Stop saying its not protocol, and other dumb things!!!!


  2. y2r – thank you for telling us about your (family member’s) experience. How can I read up more on what DR Vladimir Zelenko MD recommends? I’m feeling desperate about some family and friends and maybe would recommend this. Thank you.

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