Letter From Rabbanim: “Those Who Stand At Death’s Door”

 A letter from Rav Chaim Kanievsky & the Vizhnitzer Rebbe has circulated around the globe this week, for obvious reasons:

“Now, the cries of the families of desperately ill people who suffer from terrible illnesses have come before us, among them are those who stand at death’s door, and the matter is one of Pikuach Nefesh for them and their families who have no money even for bread as a result of enormous medical expenses.


Therefore, we have come together to found a special fund in Vaad Harabanim to heal, to support and to revive them. 

All those who donate to this fund will merit to see great salvation with whatever they need, and they and their family will be saved measure for measure from all illness, and they will merit to make simchos in their homes and to see nachas from all their descendants with health and parnassah. 

Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlita

The Vizhnitzer Rebbe shlita”

Donors around the world have begun to join together to help those in need, with the added benefit of receiving this timely bracha for health. The campaign page also includes a video in which Rav Chaim Kanievsky is asked what contributors will merit, measure for measure. “He will not be sick,” says the Rav.

Those on the receiving end of the tzedaka need help more than ever – with businesses closed and jobs on hold, many families fighting cancer and other illnesses are now struggling in poverty. Those on the giving end of the tzedaka have never needed a bracha for health more. The two sides meet here. 



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