President Donald Trump speaks during a press briefing with the coronavirus task force, in the Brady press briefing room at the White House, Monday, March 16, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

A drug used to treat malaria and arthritis has shown promise as a cure against coronavirus and could be “a game changer” in stopping the outbreak, President Donald Trump announced at a White House press conference Thursday.

The drug known as Hydroxychloroquine has shown “encouraging early results against the virus. We’re going to be able to make that drug available immediately,” by prescription, the president said.

Trump said the drug had already been given the green light by the FDA, but the agency later clarified that the drug had not yet been approved to treat COVID-19, according to Bloomberg News.

“It’s been around for a long time so we know if things don’t go as planned it’s not going to kill anybody,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

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“We have to remove every barrier or a lot of barriers that were unnecessary and they’ve done that to get the rapid deployment of safe, effective treatments and we think we have some good answers,” Trump said.

FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn carefully tempered the President’s remarks regarding his team’s work to develop treatments for coronavirus.

“The FDA is committed to continuing to provide regulatory flexibility and guidance, but let me make one thing clear: the FDA’s responsibility to the American people is to ensure that products are safe and effective,” he said.

He said the FDA is expanding its work regarding potential therapeutic options.

“We need to make sure that this sea of new treatments — we’ll get the right drug to the right patient at the right dosage at the right time,” he said, explaining that the right drug may be available but it may not be in the right dosage, “and that may do more harm than good.”

Part of that, Hahn said, is exploring drugs that are “already approved for other indications,” noting the President’s remarks on chloroquine.

“That’s a drug that the President has directed us to take a closer look at as to whether an expanded use approach to that could be done and to actually see if that benefits patients. And again, we want to do that in the setting of a clinical trial, a large, pragmatic clinical trial to actually gather that information,” he said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

16 Responses

  1. FDA is getting stupid with this. Very conservative while the whole country life is upside down. We need our great president to muscle this through like we all know he can and bypass all the stupid FDA protocols that are in place and get this out there.

  2. rEtARDS, if you were stricken by coronavirus (i am not wishing it on you) you would be the first person to demand this drug treatment.

  3. ANON21, don’t rely on bassar v’dom. ESPECIALLY a non-Jew. Lo sichanen. “Our” president….. Jews don’t have presidents, we are in gollus.

  4. Aymdock relax with your nonsense and start learning about Judaism. You are commanded to respect and pray for the Kings and leaders of your country.

  5. Anon, pik and moish clearly do not have the slightest understanding of how medications are studied, created and approved. Lots of drugs show promise in their earliest stages of testing, but as they are more thoroughly tested, it turns out that they are not effective. Hydroxychloroquine has been around for years to treat malaria, and its safety at doses necessary to treat malaria is established. That has nothing to do with whether it will work on coronavirus, and whether the dosage, if any, that may be effective against corona virus is safe. Doctors can prescribe any drug approved for one purpose for another purpose, if they in good faith believe it may be efficacious for another purpose. That does not mean we should start spraying it over America with crop dusters.

  6. machlokes won’t help this thing end everyone keep their cool and stop talking nonsense maybe then if u don’t waste ur time fighting and actually learn and daven maybe then this gehinnom will end

  7. Trump also said on March 2: “
    You take a solid flu vaccine, you don’t think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”

    No Trump. A double dose of flu vaccine will not give immunity to a Coronavirus.

  8. I saw the reports and studies on this just yesterday. How often do you sit around and say “if only someone who listen to us”. This is the first president who does, and actually acts. He is keeping with his mentality of saving every life possible as evidenced by the last chance medication bill and prison reform. Everyone is where they are at the right time for a reason, if you get my drift.

  9. this drug was sent to the government by Dr. Justice E. Obi a black doctor and his group that includes a famous miracle Rebbe from Boro Park all are living in Brooklyn with the formulation and combination of 3 different malaria medicine but it took 4 weeks to get the governments action, shortly I will post a simple vitamin that will protect you from getting the virus also recommended by the same team

  10. L-GLUTATHIONE 500 ML a day all ages
    this is what Dr. Justice E. Obi recommends to stop the spread of the virus the doctor says not to panic or go in histerya just simply don’t touch or shake hands and give some space, you may go shopping or go to minyan if you follow the rules take in the morning

  11. @rightwriter Where does it say anything about commanded to respect? We pray for them, but they’re not “our” kings. We pay taxes and follow laws because it’s their country, not ours. Just because we are law-abiding citizens doesn’t given an automatic heter to go ga-ga over them. Two separate sugyios. Trump is (currently) the president of the United State of Hysteria, and he did the country a huge disservice by lying about it, until he couldn’t. And now he’s gaslighting. It’s all white lies until it costs people their lives.

    It’s been a very long time since someone on a message board on the internet assumed I know nothing about Judaism.

  12. rt, I suggest you move to China for at lest next 10 month! Communist government there looks very competent, at least according to CNN.

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