Torah Umesorah Vaad Roshei Yeshiva Say Yeshivas SHOULD REMAIN OPEN

We have been asked, in light of the pandemic spread of the terrible coronavirus, whether yeshivos and day schools should close down until the danger of infection has passed.

It is our opinion, at least as of now, and at least in cities or municipalities where public and private schools are not required to close, that yeshivos and day schools should remain open. The koach haTorah generated by tinokos shel bais rabban is inestimable, and is urgently needed in times like these.

The general consensus among health officials at this time appears to be that schools may remain open, as evidenced by the fact that most local health authorities have not at this point ordered the wholesale closing of schools, neither public schools nor private schools. We do not think that yeshivos and day schools need to hold themselves to a different standard than that determined appropriate for neighboring public or private schools.

Of course, yeshivos and day schools must do all in their power to minimize any risk of students or staff becoming infected by the coronavirus. Large gatherings should be avoided. Good hygienic habits must be observed. Schools should have local doctors with whom to consult as any issue may arise. Most importantly, children or adults who do not feel well or who have compromised immune systems should stay home.

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Finally, in light of the extraordinary medical dangers posed by the coronavirus challenge, and the tremendous negative economic impact the spread of the virus is having on individuals and industries, we strongly urge all yeshivos and day schools to add special tefillos for rachamei Shomayim. The Gemara in Maseches Shevuos, 15b, refers to Tehillim 91 as “Shir shel paga’im” or “Shir shel nega’im” – a special tefilla for protection from such plagues. This is a tefilla especially fitting for today.

May the zchus of maintaining hevel pihem shel tinokos bais rabban even in these difficult times be a source of protection for all of Klal Yisroel.

Vaad Roshei Yeshiva of Torah Umesorah
ט”ז אדר, תש”פ – March 12, 2020

HaRav Hillel David
HaRav Yitzchak Feigelstock
HaRav Dovid Feinstein
HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky
HaRav Aryeh Malkiel Kotler
HaRav Yaakov Perlow
HaRav Aaron Schechter
HaRav Dovid Schustal
HaRav Aharon Feldman
HaRav Dovid Harris
HaRav Elya Brudny
HaRav Shlomo Halioua
HaRav Yaakov Bender
HaRav A. Dovid Goldberg
HaRav Chaim Y. Hoberman
HaRav Yosef Eichenstein
HaRav Shmuel Levin

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Instead of citing what- to these non-medical professionals- the “general consensus among health officials” “appears” to be, it would inspire much more confidence in the practical wisdom of their decision if they had directly and specifically consulted with actual local health officials and medical experts– as the Va’ad of Bergen County did before issuing their notice today

  2. cream .. are you saying that Torah Umesora did not take cdc recommendations into account before making a decision
    if u sincerely feel that sending your kids to school is unsafe u can keep your children home and learn with them ” veshinantam levanecho”

  3. Creamnosugar,

    You have some chutzpah! Boruch Hashem most others reading this recognize that more than medical professionals, we need zechusim in these times. We need our Gedolim to guide us and guide us is what they did.
    You can rely on your medical professionals who seem to know so much right now. I’m very far from an ignorant individual, I don’t bury my heat in the sand. But I’m Jewish first and b’h like to believe I have my priorities straight.

  4. From this we need to learn that the קביעות of הלכה is בדרך וודאי not ספק. We see that general consensus is a definite. Even though the proof given is indirect I think. You need to be מצרף the סגולת התורה of תינוקות.

  5. @akuperma
    The problem is that children are carriers and can spread the virus to older or medically fragile adults outside of schools.
    Our Health Department today ordered ALL schools, public and private closed indefinitely effective tomorrow.
    The Catholic and Jewish schools had been indecisive, so the Health department made the decision for them. Here in CT municipalities provide the bus service and school nurses for parochial schools. SO, if the public schools are closed these are not available. Yeshovos might say no buses, have parents drive, but they cannot be open without the required school nurses.

    I am working from home at this point and have closed our law offices. Clients are being served by teleconferencing, video chat, etc. The courts are postponing non-criminal trials, extending due dates for filings and responses.

    These are unusual times and we must make decisions to ensure the physical safety of the entire community,

  6. “I’ve repeatedly issued warnings that one’s behavior must be in accordance with the judgment of the doctors and not violate their instructions.” So said Rabbi Akiva Eiger, during a cholera outbreak in Europe. So I guess he thought we need to defer to medical professionals – do you question his priorities?

  7. UncleMo, this letter uses language, “The general consensus appears…”, is this not a fair criticism. Was there anyone in the medical field consulted with on this or is the decision made based on news reports? From the letter it sounds like the latter. What about a frank discussion with the very likelihood that on purim this thing has spread silently through the frum community and therefore the frum community is at far higher risk of spreading this right now than the general population? Telling me, that the general consensus appears, is not reassuring to me that decisions are being made with proper consideration.

    In any case, this letter not withstanding, I am 99% convinced that within the next week or two (at the latest) all the schools will be shut down. I sincerely hope the spread in the frum community is not as bad as I fear it may be, because this thing if not contained in short order will result in way too many people needing respiratory support without sufficient medical equipment being available to treat them.

  8. For a thousand years, since Rav Sherirah Gaon, we have followed physicians rather than rabbis on health matters. Four Jewish schools in Bronx and Westchester have been closed for two weeks and the entire faculty staff and students have been quarantined. Classes are being taught remotely via internet. This was the right thing to do.

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