Like a Life-Saving Medication in Sefer Form

By Rabbi Yair Hoffman for

It is perhaps an analogy that few will understand.  When someone in need of medication is far away from home, a rapid acting medication is sometimes a true life-safer.  Within five minutes, that medication can restore the vigor and vitality of life.

So too with “Yare’ach l’Moadim” – the remarkable Torah of Rav Yeruchem Olshin shlita – especially with the latest two Purim volumes due to come out tomorrow in the seforim stores.  Experiencing a Yom Tov without the remarkable Torah in these seforim is like a fish without water, to employ the moshol of Rebbe Akiva.

For those who have not experienced it, the Yare’ach l’Moadim on each of the yomim tovim is the Torah of one of the leading Gedolim of our time, Rav Yeruchem Olshin, a Rosh Yeshiva in Beis Midrash Gavo’ah of Lakewood.  The first volume encapsulates fifty, yes fifty different shiurim about Purim – with all the depth and profundity that only a Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva can plummet.  The second volume encapsulates fifty-two maamarim that provide us with the means to achieve the dveikus bashem that is unique to Purim.  The work was edited by Rabbi Moshe Gruen and a number of other choshuvah Talmidei Chachomim in Lakewood.

If you have never experienced the joy of learning these seforim – now is the time to do so.  There is no other moshol – other than life-changing, rapid-acting insulin.  Boruch Hashem, we now have a limitless supply of food and sustenance for the impending Yom Tov.

This Shabbos, for example, is Parshas Zachor.  There are five ma’amrim about understanding what Amalaik is all about in the maamarim volume, and seven shiurim about mechi’as Amalaik in the shiurim and halacha volume.

In the first of the Parshas Zachor maamarim Rav Olshin shlita provides for us the essential avodah of this Shabbos. 1]To remember what Amalek did in attacking Klal Yisroel and cooling off the fear of the nations. 2] Reducing Kavod Shamayim in this world. 3] Negating the very purpose of the Tachlis of the Briah in undermining Hashem’s rewarding good and punishing evil the essence of Kavod Shamayim. This is why Amalek’s very name must be erased and why there is a Mitzvah to remember to do so – which doesn’t exist for other Mitzvos.

In the second Maamar, Rav Olshin addresses the debate about whether the Mitzvah of destroying Amalek still applies after Sancheriv mixed up all of the nations.  The Minchas Chinuch writes that it does not, but the Rambam indicates that it does.  Rav Olshin, in answering why there is still a Mitzvah according to the Rambam explains that it is the idea and philosophy of Amalek that must be destroyed. Doing so allows us to complete the Oneness of Hashem’s Name in this world.

In the third Maamar Rav Olshin explains the extent of the obligation to strengthen ourselves against the evil that Amalek is. Amalek constantly strives to knock us down, to take a blow at our self-esteem. We have within us a chailek elokah mimaal and the honor of Kedusha and we have the Torah itself – we must fight against this Amalaik which is the Yetzer haRah itself – who knocks down our self-perception of ourselves.

In the fourth maamar Rav Olshin explains that an essential aspect of zachor is to remember our critical error in asking HaYesh hashem b’kirbainu – Is Hashem truly in our midst?  It was because of this doubt that Hashem sent Amalek to attack us.  Hashem carries us on his figurative shoulders like a loving father, guarding u against the lurking dangers of the seventy nations that surround us.  We must constantly be thinking about this and realize that none of this happened by chance, chalilah.  The galus is extended because of our doubts in Emunah.  We have the honor of having Hashgacha pratis from Hashem Himself.  Let us never forget this.

Finally, in the fifth maamar, Rav Olshin discusses that part of Zachor is remembering that a lack of devotion in our Torah studies was what had caused the initial weakness that brought about the enemy of Amalek.  Had we been fully dedicated in this area, we would never had entertained any of the other weaknesses that brought about this sad state of affairs.

In the shiurim volume, Rav Olshin discusses seven more topics: 1] Women and destroying Amalaik versus the seven nations 2] Destroying Amalek after Sancheriv mixed up the world populations 3]  Destroying Amalek before the arrival of Moshiach 4] The animals of Amalek 5] Possessions of Amalek 6]Not accepting geirim from Amalek 7] Amalek’s converted grandchildren.

Of course, the majority of the sefer deals with Purim.  In the shiurim, Rav Olshin deals with what happens when you send Mishloach Manos to someone and he doesn’t want to accept it.  Did you fulfill the Mitzvah?  This is discussed in the second siman.  There is, of course, a major dispute as to the reason for Mishloach Manos.  The Manos HaLevi writes that it is to increase peace, love and brotherhood.  If so, he would be fulfilling it.  According to the Trumas HaDeshen’s reason – to ensure that the recipient have enough food for the Seudah – he would not fulfill it.

What about giving Mishloach Manos before Purim? Does one fulfill the Mitzvah?  Rav Olshin cites the Aruch HaShulchan that there is also a joy to the giver – not just the recipient.  He also cites the Peleh Yoetz that it is also a good idea to send Mishloach Manos to someone that one is in a fight with.

The sefer will be available in seforim stores on Thursday before Purim.  It is this author’s prediction that they will be sold out within hours.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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