NO TOIEIVA PRESIDENT: Buttigieg Drops Bid For Presidency

Pete Buttigieg, who rose from being a small-town Midwestern mayor to a barrier-breaking, top-tier candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, is ending his campaign.

Three people with knowledge of Buttigieg’s decision told The Associated Press he began informing campaign staff on Sunday. They were not authorized to speak publicly and requested anonymity.

His campaign said Buttigieg will speak Sunday night in South Bend, Indiana.

Buttigieg, the first openly gay candidate to seriously contend for the presidency, was perhaps the most consistently impressive candidate in the Democratic field — eloquent and disciplined — and tried to make the case that his party thrived when it embraced candidates who offered generational change.

But the millennial, Afghanistan war veteran ended up being more successful at winning older voters while Sen. Bernie Sander, 78, captured the energy of younger ones.

Voters saw Buttigieg in the more moderate lane of the Democratic field, and he flourished early with a top finish in the Iowa caucuses and a close second place finish in New Hampshire. But as the race moved to more diverse states, less dependent on college-educated voters, Buttigieg struggled.

His departure from the race reflects the growing pressuring among more moderate Democrats to consolidate in an effort to blunt the rise of Sanders, who Buttigeig said was too liberal to be elected.


38 Responses

  1. With all due respect, this is a childish and disrespectful headline. As frum jews, it is ok to call certain activities Toeiva, but to define individuals as Toeiva is wrong and unacceptable. Not sure we will be able to defend our worldview very well with this approach.

  2. Buttigieg Drops Bid For Presidency & whilst you are in “Drop-Out” Mode, drop and dump your Husband, and repent from being Gay, which is part of Shewa Mitzwos b’Nai Noach not to commit adultery.

  3. This is your headline? Agree or disagree with his candidacy, but his sexual orientation has nothing to do with his ability or inability to do the job.

  4. Shame on you! Yeshiva World?? This is how you title articles???
    What’s wrong with you people? That’s how you speak about a human being? This is how you speak about a Gay person . You people are nasty and I sincerely hope you, the ones who wrote this suffer beyond. What you have done to people. To people dealing with this. To yeshiva students. May G——-D Curse YOU!! SHAME ON YOU!!

  5. A person cannot be a Toieva. A surprisingly coherent article but I don’t understand why you would disparage him for this one private aspect of his lfe.

  6. You realize that cheating is business is also referred to as a תועבה and our current President has done that. Somehow I don’t think if Trump loses in November you’ll have the same headline.

  7. We have a toeiva President now. Cheating in business is a toeiva and Trump’s entire business career was about cheating customers,suppliers, contractors, employees, creditors, business partners, and the government.

  8. Awful headline. Why not do a story on how many Yiddishe neshamas leave Judaism or LIFE b/c of headlines like this. YWN is an abomination. Please remove the headline. You didn’t bother being creative with the article – just reposted from AP. Take a little time and be more creative with the headline.

  9. To all those unhappy with the headline: YWN headline is absolutely correct and to the point. the Buttigieg presidential run was based on him being openly sodomite. Has has nothing to offer except publicly displaying his sodomite life style. Please keep your righteous indignation to yourself.

  10. chareidi stupidity, looks like you are upset that Buttigieg is out. Are you projecting your hidden secrets on others? Are you hiding something?

  11. jewwithoutabrain, take your hateful comments to an LGBT site instead of coursing us here and spreading sodomite propaganda.. These people should be treated with compassion like any other sick people, not celebrated for their sickness. Buttigieg was promoting this slickness publicly and such should be called out for this by YWN headline.

  12. chareidi amiti, I didn’t realize that so many great Rabbonim, Roshei Kollel, bochurim, and frum organizations were toeiva suppoters. Before I learned from you I always thought that the definition of “toeiva suppoters” meant supporting abortions, LGQTQ, and anti-Israel rhetoric. I am proud to say that I am a proud Toeiva supporter!

  13. Everything wrong with frumkeit in general and the frum press in particular, summed up in a single headline.

    Well done!!

  14. I am a trump supporter , but lets not kid ourselves
    see Mishlai 16:5
    תועבת יהוה כל גבה לב יד ליד לא ינקה
    Also a Toayva president

  15. After all is said and done, it was an all time low for a Presidential race. And that has an affect on everyone. See Beis HaLevi re Dor Hamabul.

    I am all for american Liberty, he can do what he wants, AND I CAN SAY WHAT I WANT. I also wouldnt lambaste a man who’s such if he kept it to himself, BUT THIS GUY RAN HIS CAMPAIGN OFF THIS

    For those who say Trump also did Toeivas. True. Yet NOBODY IS CELEBRATING HIM FOR IT. Very different with this cow.

  17. @ mam
    Is there a problem with being anti Gay? also the term phobic doesnt apply, it connotates fear. That is an innacurate description of Anti – Gay, used by weaklings who try to write off opposition to something as being the product of a phobia.

  18. @Bgam530
    Defend our worldview to who? Be proud of who you are and what you stand for and you wont have to do any “defending”.

  19. @jewithoutabrain
    What human being? you have to qualify to be a human being, you dont get to keep that birth status just by virtue of your being born.
    Check out Mesials Yesharim where he talks about avoiding sinners, and he says, they will ask you that it states “you shall be ‘meureves’ with brios” and you will answer “this reffers to those who act as people, not those who act as animals”.

  20. @charidiamiti
    I didnt vote for trump last time, but i sure will this time around BL”N. How can you call people who are purportedly chareidi toeivas? have you no self respect, or respect for Hashem? Does someone supporting trump make him a bad person? what bad thing is being condoned when you support trump? No one approves his cheating, in any area of his life, we just think he does a good job. A far cry from you who has attempted to besmirch the only segment of humanity which has any chezkas kashrus

  21. @rt
    They are all liers. Noef? i dont know, was he mezaneh with a nesuah? very possible, but i am uninformed.
    But the point is, trump didnt run as a noef or lier or crook, buttigeig ran as a toeiva dude

  22. @noamhyman
    my freind you write respectfully, so i will respond in kind.
    The problem with buttigeig is actually what you missed in your post. Its NOT a private aspect of his life, if it were, i’d leave it at that,’tis a free country. The problem however is that he very publicly uses that aspect as a REASON TO VOTE FOR HIM. That is the issue here.

  23. MoisheInGolus,

    Chazal tell us that the real sin of Sodom was hostility towards strangers. That makes Trump, not Buttigieg, the Sodomite.

    The attribution of Sodom to sexual transgressions is a Christian interpretation. Not ours.

  24. Here are all of the times that the word “Toeivah” is used in Tanach:
    – Avoda Zara (Devarim 7:25, and 13:14, Yeshayahu 44:19)
    – assur relations (e.g. prostitution, adultery, incest) (Yechezkel 16:22, 22:11, 33:26)
    – Assur marriage (Devarim 24:2-4)
    – Mishkav Zachar (Vayikra 18:22, 18:27-30, 20:13)
    – male prostitution (Melachim I 14:24)
    – Korbanos from the wages of prostitution (Devarim 23:19)
    – sacrificing a child to Molech (Yirmiyahu 32:35)
    – cross-dressing (Devarim 22:5)
    – cheating in business (Devarim 25:13-19, Mishlei 11:1)
    – dishonesty (Mishlei 12:22)
    – gaiva (Mishlei 16:5)
    – eating tamei animals (Devarim 14:3)
    – stealing, murder, and adultery (Yirmiyahu 7:9,10)
    – charging ribis, violent robbery, murder, oppressing the poor and needy, etc. (Yechezkel 18:10-13)

    If you’re going to use the word “toeivah” in a headline, at least be consistent with every single other presidential candidate, or commenter on this thread. Some toeivahs will allow people to get aliyos by Krias Hatorah. Other toeivahs will help you become president of the US. Other toeivahs will be honored by shul and yeshiva dinners.

    Let’s at least be honest with ourselves here, alright?

  25. Shame on YWN for this disgraceful headline. I don’t think it’s representative of the Yeshivish community. But unfortunately, at this point it’s difficult to expect more form this trashy rag that’a built entirely on lashon hora.

  26. charliehall, you are the last person here to preach us what chazal teaches. You are in better postilion to preach about Marxisms, just like your buddy Bernie.

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