Oil Smashes All Records!

gas_empty1.jpgOil prices soared more than $3 a barrel, surpassing $127 for the first time Friday. U.S. retail gas prices, meanwhile, advanced past an average of $3.77 a gallon. At the pump, the national average price of a gallon of regular gas was $3.776 on Thursday, according to a survey of stations by AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. Prices are 67 cents higher than a year ago, and many analysts think they could rise as high as $4 on a national basis in coming weeks. Consumers in many areas are already paying that much, or more.


3 Responses

  1. the main problem is ,that every item and product is rising like crazy ,starting from food clothing and airfare, we have seen products going up 50% all with an expalnation due to rising fuel costs..(which makes sense) but watch and see ,if and when price of oil will come sliding down ,these new high priices will stay put ,,and there wont be any one to fight for lower costs

  2. Everything is going up, because everything needs to be moved. Moving it requires fuel and that fuel is oil. But there is no reason for the price to go up. There are no shortages. We should be optimistic that this is a sign of ikvasa dimishicha as stated in the braisa at the end of Sotah. “Hagefen ti’ten piryah, vihayayin biyokir.”

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