WATCH IT: Anti-Semite “School Judge” Curses Out Jews In Response to Student [UPDATED]

NOTE: The Director of School Community Relations for Hewlett-Woodmere Public Schools tells YWN that this was NOT a teacher at one of their schools, but was a “judge at the competition”

As part of a First Lego Competition held at Woodmere Middle School on February 9, children were working on projects related to local buildings. In the video below you will see and hear a student relaying information about one local building which she says was “purchased by the United Hebrew Community of New York.”

Without skipping a beat, one anti-Semite judge turns to the other and says “G-d (expletive removed) Jews” and carries on as though her commentary was necessary.

In a statement to YWN, Dov Hikind, the Founder of Americans Against Antisemitism says they are “calling on the school to have this teacher disciplined immediately. It’s unconscionable that we would allow “educators” with such hate ready to spew around impressionable children.

This event was held at Mineola High School, but the students participating were from all over Long Island, including Woodmere Middle School. The man who took this video is a father of one of the students and confirms what that judge said.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. I think we should be censuring the teacher who nodded in agreement as well!!! What about her?? Bystanders are the ones who enable anti-Semitism of all kinds!

  2. He loves jumping to conclusions. She is NOT a teacher. She was a Judge (not a real court Judge like people are saying) just someone judging the competition. Perhaps a parent, retired engineer, employee at a store that sells robotic stuff, etc. The school is looking into it. Let them look into it. The school can’t be expected to know the mind of every outsider that comes to the school.
    Always immediately, screaming GOVERNMENT ANTI-SEMITISM before anything is known sure won’t solve anything, but it definitely will create a lot more Anti-Semites!

  3. Why is this teachers identity being kept a secret?
    I understand the benefit of disciplining her, but “outing” her to the general public as an anti-Semite is a much bigger deterrent for others to even think of considering spewing such vile bigotry.

  4. > huju
    > Softwords

    I had to use full audio power of anew computer to hear it – but I could hear those words coming from somewhere.

  5. georgeg – I didn’t mean to imply that she didn’t say it. Rather, what’s the purpose of posting a video as proof if it’s too hard to hear it.

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