Another Vicious Attack in Crown Heights

ch shomrim1.gifAt midnight on Thursday night, Crown Heights Hatzolah & Shomrim received calls for a 16-year-old Yeshiva student lying unconscious on Albany Avenue, near Empire Boulevard. Upon their arrival, it became clear that he had been severely assaulted, and after being revived, he did not remember anything – including his name. Hatzolah paramedics treated, and transported him to Kings County Hospital.

Crown Heights Shomrim, along with the NYPD are frantically searching for witnesses, and as of this time have yet to classify the attack.

Hours after the assault, the boy still had no recollection of what transpired, although his wallet, bike, cell, and watch are all missing from him.

As of Friday morning, Detectives said that they are looking for two black attackers they say jumped the teenage boy, pushed him off his bike, beat him up, and robbed of his personal belongings.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN)

11 Responses

  1. Recently the Lubavitch/Crown Heights community has become a nightmare neighborhood for all its Jewish residents. Fellow Yidden: It’s high time to reach out to our community and assist in whatever way you can in ending the crime epidemic, and the epidemic of indifference by the NYPD. The only time the perpatrators of violence (against the Crown Heights Jewish community) get arrested by the NYPD, is when they are first nabbed by the shomrim.

    We need to end this massive injustice and get as much legal talent as we could get from our fellow frum yidden to sue the city for REAL protection. Al Taamod al dam roiecha.

  2. I been following the incidents and politics in crown Heights lately.. I do have relatives there. It’s very troubling to me that it seems crown heights is getting a disproportionate / unfair share of tension and problems. I work in east New York and I am very much exposed to the local people in that neighborhood (although it’s not Crown Heights the general neighborhood class of people I can compare it to CH …) there is very little element of anti Semitism to us from blacks. The underling tension MUST BE DEFUSED by simple acts of courtesy towards them. Just simple behavioral edict, nothing more. A Hello , Good morning, Hi, how do you do?.. Excuse me , …I’m sorry … All this can go a long way in fixing a good part of these problems.

  3. DA Hynes is solidifying his career. “Them Jews” won’t get him votes (the famous quote – “#%@* (expletive) the Jews, they won’t vote for you anyway”), only the blacks he needs to stay in power.

  4. This news report brought tears to my eyes. It so reminds me of the horror I and my cavers suffered (thank HaShem I was never severely beaten) from the hands of our Crown Heights, non-Jewish neighbors. I no longer live in New York, and the neighborhood I now live in would never tolerate this outrage. I am sick over this. We definitely need to daven as #2 suggests. It’s so angering to me that nothing has been done to prevent these vicious attacks.

  5. to number 3..i really dont think that thatis the problem….a “hello..good morning” ismt gonna stop them from attacking inncocent ppl…And i dont believe that the ppl in crown heights generally disrespect them…its a dangerous neighborhood. period. the only thing we can do is daven for the protection of the Jews living there.

  6. To Memyselfandi…

    Interacting with the community
    together not as Jews and Black but
    as all residents of Crown heights
    will help.

    True it is a bad neighborhood anyway
    so I don’t think these things anti-semitic,
    the same would happen if it was a Christian
    boy in a private school uniform.

    The community needs to stop separating
    itself from the surroundings and realize
    where they are (close to east new york, bed-stuy).

    The crown heights community and many other
    Jewish communities do disrespect them as
    if they are better than anyone else thus
    creating hate towards the Jewish Population.

  7. What was the lubavitcher rebbe thinking when he told his followers to stay in a cess pool when all the chasidim and regular folk left. It boggles the mind, you don’t tell people to stay in a mokom sakuna specially when the other Jews were leaving.

  8. rebshalom: So why is DA Hynes involving himself and a grand jury in the attack on the black guy in crown heights? (No one was arrested there, and it should be merely a “police matter” as you put it here.)

  9. Man just brilliant!

    #10, what was the maharam of rottenberg thinking when he refused to allow his talmidim to bail him out ? why are the yerushalmi jews thinking ? for that matter sderot.. err ashkelon ? maybe I ought to pack my bags and leave chevron? wait if we leave, chevron will be like shechem then you americans will never get to visit.. cause no one wants to face the danger like kever yosef (yes oh yes we visit..)

    Oh, actualy i’m disgusted at your comment if you think about it.

    Who was hhurt my YOUR exodus from Brownsville ? East New York ? Canarsie ?

    Dont tell me because it was the old and poor ? have you any idea what happend to them? the shulls ? are you absolutely crazy or just ignorant ?

    Every chabad bachur over 15 has walked to these distant shulls to make minyanim.. I know I have! I walked to east new york.. to neigherhood’s I dont remember..

    I also know what canarsie is like because i’m extremly close with the Fein’s.. and I know that chabad bachurim walk from crown heights every shabbos.. because ive done it.. because i stayed there shabbos..

    I also know that one of these orphan torah’s was lent to us in gush katif.. ask dov hikind he brought it..its currently in chevron.

    Now, can you honestly justify running ? besides for crown heights turning into what e new york etc.. is.. the other community’s would have not have the support, help etc.. that chabad has provided.

    Sorry, makes me want to puke!!!!!!

    PLEASE drive down remsen to the block before ditmas (coming from CH) look on your right.. you’ll see a shull lo aleinu.. haya lo tihiye now a church!

    Sorry chabibi.. 885 eastern park chovivei torah.. tomchei temimim lubavitch.. very impressive building dont you think? I bet it would have been sold off.

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