Petira of Mrs. Malka Tova Kaweblum

candle71.gifWe regret to inform you of the Petira of Mrs. Malka Tova Kaweblum A”H of Lakewood after a long illness R”L, at the age of 47. She was the wife of Dr. Chaim Kaweblum, the head of the Jersey Shore Pediatrics Emergency Room, and active pediatrician in Lakewood’s new Chemed Medical Center.

The Levaya will be taking place today (Thursday) afternoon at 5:00PM outside Ateres Yeshaya in Lakewood [908 Country-Line Road near East End Avenue].

She leaves behind her husband and 5 children.

Boruch Dayan Emmes…

8 Responses

  1. I just came back from the levaya. It was really sad to see all her 5 sons sitting there… her husband… parents… She was an absolutely amazing person! Everyone kept mentioning her simchas hachayim, positive attitude even when she was so sick… She was always so upbeat and ALWAYS had a smile! I daven in the same Shull & I don’t really know her so well. The little I do know is that she was a special person. Always happy & smily. Always had a nice thing to say. Shtarkeit! May she be a malitz yosher from all of Klal Yisroel & May all her family be comforted & May Hahsem bring the geualah bikarov! AMEN!

  2. I was at the Hespedim at the shul. It was a tremendous experience of beautiful and deeply moving words about the nifteres, her simchas hachaim, her devotion to her family even in her long suffering and the powerful impact she leaves on many people.

    Rabbi Simcha Bunim Cohen, shlita, mara d’asra of K’hal Aterest Yeshaya exhorted the people attending to respond to this great tragedy with real efforts to show Hashem that we understand such an event as a message for all of us; namely, that we should shut off cell phones in shuls and batei midrashim and ladies should make extra efforts in tznius.

    Rav Dovid Schustal, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Beth Medrash Govoha also spoke, praising the nifteres and the family. He gave uplifting words of chizzuk that we should understand the holiness of this occasion as well, quoting “Norah Elokim Mimikdashecha” and that we are very close to the ultimate Geula and all must prepare.

    The nifteres’ brother, Rabbi Stolper of Chicago spoke and recalled her sparkling personality and particularly recounted a recent occasion when he took one of the children for a ride to get some snacks. Upon returning to the car, the boy said each brocha b’kol ram and with enthusiasm, explaining that his mother always taught them to say a bracha out loud.

    Three of the five yesomim also spoke showing incredible courage and character at such a difficult moment. In their own words they spoke beautifully of her fine character, constant encouragement and her deep interest in each member of the family. It was impossible not to shed hot tears as I witnessed this beautiful display of love and sorrow.

    There were additional speakers, but time is short and I cannot recall their words well enough to give anything over.

    May Hashem comfort the Kaweblum and Stolper families among all mourners of Tziyon and Yerushalayim.

  3. In addition to her choshuv family members, Malkie A”H developed her own chashivus. She was an incredibly upbeat person, a tremendously unselfish and giving person. She always had a smile on her face, and cheered up others, even when she had her own difficult situation. Malkie had a very strong Emunah and Bitachon. She had Emes in every fiber of her body, and like her husband, Reb Chaim Shlita said, no schtick. She leaves over, her husband and 5 wonderful children. And many friends who feel bereft as well… Yehi zichrah boruch.

  4. Another sad loss for Lakewood and klal Yisrael. Malkie’s b’chor, Yaakov n”y (now 17), was in my son’s class. When the illness was first diagnosed, he became a man literally overnight, even though he wasn’t bar mitzvah age yet! He showed incredible maturity and exceptional middos. He was always upbeat, which was a credit to how his parents handled the nisayon.
    Rabbi Stolper put out six seforim, one each year of Malkie’s illness, as a zechus for his daughter’s refuah. He and his rebetzin moved to Lakewood to be near Malkie a”h, her husband and children to help them as much as possible under the circumstances. (Dr. Kaweblum was doing his residency at the time and had an erratic schedule, even though the hospital was accomodating, but somehow managed to keep things relatively “normal” for his kids.)
    Our hearts go out to all the aveilim. May Hashem comfort them among the mourners of Tzion and Yerushalayim.

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