From Hospital Bed, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu Letter Hand-Delivered to President at Knesset

pollard1.jpgHospitalized again this week following heart surgery and a series of intensive medical procedures, Jonathan Pollard’s rabbi, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel, Ha Rav Mordechai Eliyahu nevertheless made a super-human effort to have a letter hand-delivered to President Bush today at the Knesset. Fortunately, the letter was been prepared prior to his hospitalization.

In his letter, the former Chief Rabbi of Israel offers to be Jonathan Pollard’s guarantor, and to accept him into his custody. The Rabbi points out that Pollard has been punished very harshly and that his survival after 22 years in prison is a miracle. He urges Mr. Bush to release Jonathan for the good of America, for the good of Israel, and for the good of the entire world. He assures Mr. Bush that both he and America will be blessed for rectifying this travesty of justice.



April 17, 2008 B”H

The Honorable President George W. Bush                                                                

President of the United States
The White House
Washington D.C.

Dear Mr. President:

Peace and blessings upon you from Jerusalem!

I am turning to you both as a president as a man – as an honest man renown for helping and assisting others; and as a president who has virtually unlimited authority to act on behalf of the general public, and on behalf of the individual citizen.

My concern is Jonathan Pollard (May G-d protect him).

Jonathan Pollard has languished in American prisons for 22 years. He has been punished beyond measure and his survival is a miracle. His continued incarceration is a travesty of justice that is a blot upon America’s reputation as a G-d-fearing nation. According to our sages, whoever shows mercy to G-d’s creations, G-d shall be merciful to him. I urge you to release Jonathan Pollard and to send him home to Jerusalem. By correcting this long-standing injustice, you will bring blessing upon the American people and her armed troops which are fighting so valiantly under life-threatening circumstances.

I would like to point out that I am willing to act as Jonathan Pollard’s guarantor, to take him into my custody and to accept full responsibility for him. I have visited Jonathan in prison on numerous occasions. He is a dignified man, a man of noble sensitivities who is deserving of special consideration.

Mr. President, do this good deed and I believe that in doing good for Jonathan Pollard, you will be doing good for the American nation, and good for the nation of Israel, as well as good for the entire world.

It is within the power of one who rules to raise himself up and transcend the common fray. It is written in Psalms 130:4, “Forgiveness belongs to you that you may be feared.” Our sages interpret this verse to mean that The Holy One, Blessed be He, forgives, and He is feared all the more so. Mr. President, G-d raised you up and made you president of a great country. It is incumbent upon you to emulate what is pleasing to G-d, and to be as He is – forgiving and merciful; to do what is just and right. Please release Jonathan Pollard at once.

My blessing is that G-d should lead you on the right and good path that you should act righteously and succeed, both personally and publicly. G-d is with you. Do and succeed!

With blessings and affection


Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu
Former Chief Rabbi of Israel

10 Responses

  1. Rav Eliyou–may he speedily be returned to excellent health–demonstrates, with this letter, that he is a truly dedicated leader of Klal Yisroel.

    May this valiant effort be blessed with success!

  2. R’ Eliyahu shlit”a (may Hashem send him a refuah shleima b’mheira) has been moser nefesh for Pollard. He’s visited him in prison several times. Someone involved in the Pollard issue told me that R’ Eliyahu has said that our tzoris today are a result of our repeating mechiras Yosef- this time we sold out Pollard.

  3. baumol, ron arad, katz, gever, etc are still missing jews[ idf lost in action most probably by iran]

    baumols granduncle was one of r’meir shapiro’s top talmidim.
    baumols grandfather was r”h of yeshiva of crown heights, made aliya in ’60s

  4. Wow! That is amazing to see how much he cares about other people! We should all learn from him
    and the least we should do is call the white house and asked them to free Jonathan!

  5. baumohl went to yeshiva ktana with me in boro park

    besides calling the white house, you can fax a memo / letter to bush’s hotel in yerushalayim (see yw post on issue)

  6. What a lesson to learn from a talmid chachem and leader, that even when seriously ill, concerns for klal yisroel and in particular Jonathan Pollard is on his mind.

  7. Let’s emulate OUR leaders and learn how to love each of our brothers and sisters as we are supposed to do… May Hashem be with us all in these days preceding Mashiach, Amen!

  8. This just shows why he is such a gadol! may Ha-shem always keep all our gedolim in good health! may Ha-shem also soften Bush’s heart to release Jonathan Pollard!
    Regarding the others mentioned in captivity/ missign soldiers: Bush has direct power to release Pollard. He can just say it and it will happen where as with the missing solidiers he has to put pressure on other countries such as Syria to release them.

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