DELUSIONAL, OR CLUELESS? AOC Compares Peaceful Virginia Gun Rally To Violent Baltimore Freddy Grey Protests

April 27, 2015 - Baltimore, MD: Riots break out in Baltimore after the funeral for Freddie Gray, who died in Baltimore police custody.

Democratic “Squad” member Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y. compared Monday’s gun rights protest in Richmond, Va., to the protests that followed the deaths of Freddie Gray and Eric Garner and questioned what she thought was the lack of police presence at the commonwealth’s capital.

“There’s this gun rights protest that’s going on in Richmond … on MLK Day, but here’s the image that has [stuck] with me the most about that is that when we go out and march for the dignity and the recognition of the lives of people like Freddie Gray and Eric Garner,” Ocasio-Cortez explained, “the whole place is surrounded by police in riot gear without a gun in sight. And here are all of these people flying Confederate flags with semiautomatic weapons and there’s almost no police officers at that protest.”

She then asked, “So who or what are our institutions protecting from who? And that image conveys it all, conveys it all.”

According to one Virginia reporter, at least one Confederate flag was seen at the protest that was attended by thousands of pro-Second Amendment advocates.

For those unaware (including AOC), protests after Gray’s death resulted with at least twenty police officers injured, at least 250 people arrested, 285 to 350 businesses damaged, 150 vehicle fires, 60 structure fires, 27 drugstores looted, thousands of police and Maryland National Guard troops deployed, and with a state of emergency declared in the city limits of Baltimore.

(Source: Fox News)

6 Responses

  1. AOC makes stuffed animals look and sound intelligent. I used to repeat the line: MABA, stands for Make Alexandria Bartend Again. I’m no longer sure that she could handle that position. Too much responsibility for someone that is completely clueless. She sounds articulate some of the time, but there has never been any intellect to make her speaking worth the attention. Inasmuch as she possesses a vote in Congress and continues to espouse values that are antithetical to everything America stands for, it is imperative that we all do our best to insure that she leaves Congress quickly, losing her next election big time, and never returns to public office.

  2. While it is praiseworthy to be “Dan L’Kaf Zechut”, AOC is unlikely to be delusional or clueless. The best explanation of such a comment is that she is evil. The “big lies” indicate evil intent, just as they did for Stalin and Hitler.

  3. What makes it even more pathetic is that the audience present actually applauded her comments!
    p.s. At the pro-gun rally a total of one persons was arrested

  4. The crime of the arrestee at the gun rally was wearing a mask in public.
    Also the media reports that one solitary confederate flag was flown. This was with 22,000 people present, according to estimates.

  5. I cringe at how stupid & uninformed AOC is & I wonder how she ever got elected. But even though Trump has my vote for obvious reasons, I cringe at how unintelligent & unpresidential he is also!

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