Over 250 Organizations & Non Profits Attend FJCC Security Grants Seminar [PHOTOS]

On Monday evening, over 250 packed the auditorium of Yeshiva Ahavas Torah in Flatbush, as representatives from shuls, yeshivas, camps and nonprofit institutions around the region gathered to learn how to navigate the bureaucracy of applying for federal and state security grants. Besides for the representatives of local shuls and yeshivas, dozens of people came from as far away as Lakewood, Far Rockaway, Great Neck, Waterbury and Peekskill.

Josh Mehlman, chairman of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition (FJCC) who hosted the event, provided the participants with an overview of the available resources.

Presenters included Ami Bazov, Director of Yeshiva Services for Agudath Israel of America, and David Pollock of the Jewish Community Relations Council, an expert in funding sources for nonprofit institutions.

Terrence Monahan, the Chief of Department at the NYPD, briefed participants on the various initiatives the NYPD is taking to increase protection for the city’s Jewish residents, and expressed the commitment of the NYPD to work together with the FJCC and community leaders to prevent hate crimes.

Chief Brian Conroy, Commanding Officer of Brooklyn South, Deputy Chief Charles Scholl, and the Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCO) from all the precincts overlaying Flatbush attended as well. These officers, whose cooperation is crucial for the community’s security, made themselves available after the event to speak and network with attendees.

Deputy Commissioner Ira Tenenbaum of New York City’s Office of Emergency Management represented the city and made a presentation, and New York State sent a senior official in the Department of Homeland Security.

The regional director of the Department of Homeland Security, John Durkin, led a delegation of officials from the federal government.

Councilman Chaim Deutsch briefed the crowd concerning security related initiatives he is working on in coordination with Councilman Kalman Yeger, who participated as well.

“Thank you for arranging the security meeting this evening,” said Mrs. Brickman of Bnos Yisroel School for Girls. Jacob Abadi, Director of Government Affairs for Yeshiva Derech Eretz, or YDE expressed “Thanks for a great and informative session.”

Peter Rebenwurzel, executive board member of FJCC, commended the “leaders from so many institutions for taking their security seriously. I’m glad we were able to provide this seminar.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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