Montreal Cabbie Fights Mezuzah & Rebbe Ban

mezuzah.jpgA taxi driver is seeking $5,000 from the city of Montreal because he opposes a bylaw that prohibits him from displaying personal mementos in his car.

Arieh Perecowicz says the Montreal Taxi Bureau rule is “discriminatory” and violates his freedom of expression guaranteed by the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms. He earlier filed a complaint with the Quebec Human Right Commission.

Perecowicz, who has driven a cab for 42 years, has been fined a total of $764 since December 2006 for having a picture of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, two mezuzos, family photos, a Remembrance Day poppy and a Canadian flag in his taxi.

In his complaint to the Human Rights Commission, he says: “The objects in my vehicle do not in any way diminish the rights of any passenger and do not interfere with the proper operation of my taxi.”

(Source: Canadian Jewish News)

8 Responses

  1. If a taxi cab driver were to hang a cross or rosary beads on the rear view mirror, would the law prohibit that too? I doubt it. Give me a break. He’s not preaching the Jewish religion to his customers, he just has some personal items in HIS cab, for his own personal reasons. I’ve seen it here in the states plenty of times.

  2. Not to mention, the man isn’t even frum. Yet he refuses to be bullied by some morons in city hall telling him that it is forbidden to keep religious articles and family photos in your own cab.

  3. I totally disagree. If you allow this, then what would stop the next cabbie from hanging up a picture of Hitler Yemach Shemo??? Religion and/or political views should not be on public display because it’s sure to offend someone.

  4. as a person that leaves in montreal its very intersting that some of the drivers for champlain have a cross in there car how com thats fine to have but to have a picture of the rebbe and family is not i would love to know which company this guy works for

  5. truth4truth

    your talk makes me wonder wether your a liberal american or a socialist dead beat canadian?

    like the appeasing carter and obama omg we might offend somebody….

    a picture of hitler is anti semetic a picture of the rebbe is religion

    a picture of bush is politics a picture of ahemedenojad is anti semetic.

    get it or do we need to explain it too you v’rochel bitche haktane

    get a life with your political correct of the like in america and elsewere

  6. A reply to: “6. truth4truth – Who said what”
    How dare you compare Hitler to The Rebbe?
    Did anyone else in history slathered, killed, burned, gassed, maimed… more than Hitler did?
    How dare you even write their names on the same paper, with the same pen?
    Which other politician declared the annihilation of a Nation, of a People, other than Ahmadinejad? Not even Hitler. Is Ahmadinejad your ‘politician’?
    If Religion and/or political views should not be on public display, ‘cause it’s “sure” to offend someone… than why do we have the Cross above the Speaker’s Head in the House of Commons?
    Why is it not offending someone all the Religion-Icons at Saint Mary’s Hospital?
    Next, would you stop wearing your Kipa, in public, for reasons that you may offend someone?
    Get a GRIP!
    Get a LIFE!

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