CONFIRMED: Anti-Vaxxers Forge Agudath Israel Stationary To Push Their Agendas

Knowledgeable insiders tell YWN that over the past several months, fraudulently written legislative memos and letters ostensibly penned in the name of Agudath Israel of America, have been sent to legislators, media outlets and posted in public places pushing various political agendas.

On Tuesday morning, street poles in Flatbush, Boro Park, and Far rockaway were plastered with yet another round of fraudulent posters pushing a frightening & alarming legislative danger to the Orthodox community by anti-vaxxers.

Agudah issued a rare strongly worded statement repudiating the misuse of Agudah Israel of America’s name slamming it as “compete forgeries” & “illegal” and “contrary to Halacha.”

The fraudulent use of Agudah’s name is just the latest brazen & irresponsible actions by discredited anti-vaxxers. YWN will be closely monitoring this developing story and will update our readers as the names of the perpetrators are revealed and held accountable for their illegal and reckless actions.

The following is the memo from the Agudah:

Please be advised that a number of fake legislative memos have been sent out in the name of Agudath Israel, some even on what appears to be its letterhead.

Some of these fraudulent documents have been sent to the media, others to legislators, and still others have been posted in public areas.

These memos are COMPLETE FORGERIES and Agudath Israel disavows any association with them. Any authentic public communication sent from Agudath Israel will always have the name and contact of a staff member for easy authentication. They will also be posted on our website,, and on Twitter @AgudahNews.

Should there be a question about authenticity of a document or statement that purports to come from Agudath Israel, please, as always, contact Agudah’s Media Affairs Department for verification.

Any misuse of the Agudah name is illegal, and, of course, contrary to Halacha.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

31 Responses

  1. Typical tactics from a delusional bunch.

    Not only are they wrong and lying within the medical community, now their pathological lies show their true colors elsewhere.

    You can see the Sheker” of their twisted philosophies based upon their delivery methods.

  2. Shouldn’t Agudah bring a suit against these people in Beis Din? And if they won’t come to Beis Din, get permission to prosecute them in civil court? This isn’t only a matter of people’s health, it’s a matter of possibly sparking anti-Semitism, since Agudah is considered one of the authoritative Orthodox voices in the world at large.

    Time to call these people out – they’re not just wackos, they’re trampling halacha as well.

  3. typical people who dont work for a living and have too much time on their hands
    bet you dollars to dougnuts they are all peleg followers

  4. Having read reams of literature from the anti-vaxxers, I have been sensitized to their use of dishonesty to make their points and push their agendas. I am not shocked by their forgery attempts. I am shocked that the Agudah treats this so lightly. I am aware of the halachos of arkaos/mesira. However, the damage here would affect Agudah and many others at the secular level. I would have hoped their statement was that the investigations involve police, and that the possibilities of charges in secular court are possible.

  5. There are bad apples in every bunch. Do we label all frum people as liars and thieves every time someone that is visibly frum gets caught doing something illegal?

    The people I know that have reason not to vaccinate would never do something like this and in fact are horrified by such actions. Besides everything else it also harms their cause because unfortunately when something like this happens it makes people associate everyone with the wrongdoing – which could result in motzei shem ra.

    Dont tar everyone with the same feathers because there are some people that do the wrong thing.

  6. Pearl:

    These horrified people should call out the forgers. They are being machshil people, and are baalei aveiroh. While they might not appreciate the frank dishonesty of forgery, they are likely sitting back and gloating that the forgeries were probably successful for a while. I am not just blabbering senseless accusations. This is the messages that were being given by many of the anti-vaxxers during the tumult that went on during the measles outbreak, when many openly stated that the end goal was worth engaging in some dishonesty along the way.

  7. (Phone sent before complete.) I don’t think you meant to say something about the Aguda not moving. Please check your spelling on headline.

  8. I don’t think that generating information under the name of an organization is honest and I don’t believe that this should ever have been done; however, why do you consider this to be so wrong yet you have no issue with a government and industry that lies to the public about the safety of vaccines?? Why are you okay with the government assuring you that they’ve been monitoring the safety of vaccines when they admitted in court to never having done any safety monitoring?
    It’s amazing how cognitive dissonance works to protect the beliefs we have created.

  9. Anyone who lends any credence to the anti-vaxxers (even a ma-shehu) should line the inside of their fedora with tin foil. Just to be on the safe side. Female anti-vaxxers need even more protection. They should line the inside of an umbrella and use that as a shield.

  10. ” yet you have no issue with a government and industry that lies to the public about the safety of vaccines?”

    They don’t. Anyone who claims they do is lying.

  11. “The people I know that have reason not to vaccinate would never do something like this and in fact are horrified by such actions.”

    The only people who have reason not to vaccinate are those with genuine medical issues, such as allergies or compromised immune systems, and of course such people, who depend literally for their very lives on everyone else vaccinating, are horrified by everythin the anti-vaxx movement does.

    If that’s not what you meant, then the people you know have no reason not to vaccinate, and therefore cannot be trusted at all.

  12. And yes, every bas yisroel, no matter how “good”, should be vaccinated against HPV, unless she has a genuine medical reason not to be.

  13. So sad. YWN has a issue with a article about vaccine facts (that was removed), but Loshon Horah with no facts is ok.

    I’m not saying forging is ok. But YWN is very quick to put out juicy info on anti vaxxers.

    Moderators Note: YWN never removed any article about any vaccine facts.

  14. YWN- I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. And if you forgot, I have a copy of the article. I can send it to you.

    Moderators Response: Actually, YWN has no clue what you are talking about, and you do not a copy of any such article which never appeared on YWN. Feel free to contact us and enlighten us. Our contact info is available here. Looking forward!

  15. The risks imposed by the anti-vaxers on the tzibur are growing daily. The decision yesterday by NJ legislators to cave to the anti-vaxer movement was a disgusting display of political cowardice. I suspect the only long-term answer to these mindless zealots will be for some of them to lose loved-ones to the measles or other preventable diseases and only then come forward to publicly acknowledge their fatal error.

  16. Chavy:

    Liberalism? What on earth are you drinking/smoking? It is nothing connected to liberalism to support vaccinating children against diseases. Quite the opposite. Creating an agenda that allows one to justify anything just because one can write a straight English sentence is quite consistent with liberalism. That’s what the libs do with the agenda about gender stuff, that’s how they support terror by labeling the savages as victims, etc.

    I am not one who will email you, but I am glad that YWN left your email address as a link so people can challenge you directly for posting such utter trash.

  17. As Jews, we have one goal. To serve H’. There are “shivim panim latorah” and all of those paths are true and just in the eyes of Hashem.

    Please be careful with the info you post. Al Tiftach Peh Lasatan. Pls don’t post any derogatory comments on another yid or group of yidden. That’s lashon hara, and a huge chilul H’, since so many read your site.

    Let’s keep the main thing in mind. We all want to do ratzon H’ and we all want Mashiach.

    Pls use your site as a forum to spread the goodness and kindness klal yisroel is doing on a daily basis. Let’s create unity and bring the geula closer!

    Thank You!

  18. 1. There are shiv’im panim latorah, all of which are true, but there are also shiv’im achor, boich svoros, which are not true.

    2. In any case, this is not Torah, this is the cold hard facts of this physical world, and on that there is only one truth.

  19. Loyal:

    I’m not sure what the point of your comment is.

    If you are insinuating that the challenge to anti-vaxxers is a problem, I will oppose you vehemently. Forgery is a crime, and deserves the wrath of the system. It is antithetical to Avodas Hashem. It is similarly completely foolish and a bitter lie to claim that there is a religious position against vaxxing. I may pity you for being foolish enough to believe the anti-vaxx message, but that is your right. You just have no moral basis to put this into religion. To that end, the overwhelming majority of poskim have made their psak and statement. Whether there is ANY religious exemption that has merit is something I question, except that if another religion states something clearly, it is not my concern.

    If you are suggesting that the anti-vaxx position is counted among the שבעים פנים לתורה, again I state, “How dare you?” It is, at the very best, a conspiracy theory. It does not emanate from Torah study by Gedolei Yisroel. The conspiracy theories about the assassination of JFK cannot be morally attributed to שבעים פנים לתורה. I reject such blasphemy.

    I am not addressing the veracity of people. But if the gibberish spewed is offensive, I will call it. You cite positions, as I gather from your comment, that make pure idiocy look smart. It’s the verbal version of the grandchildren’s artwork that decorates my fridge.

  20. Loyal Yid: Your simplistic view of the real world is admirable but dangerous. YWN and other media outlets who have consistently sounded the alarm about the risks of not being vaccinated are providing a critical public service function. YWN’s role is to provide accurate and timely information to the frum velt, even when a small percentage of the tzibur insists on invoking their own”alternative facts” and discredited theories.

  21. “Midwest2
    January 14, 2020 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm

    Shouldn’t Agudah bring a suit against these people in Beis Din? And if they won’t come to Beis Din, get permission to prosecute them in civil court? This isn’t only a matter of people’s health, it’s a matter of possibly sparking anti-Semitism, since Agudah is considered one of the authoritative Orthodox voices in the world at large.”
    Sue them?
    Are u kidding me? They come out against anyone trying to sue known child molesters and u expect the aguda to sue? Get real!

  22. “Midwest2
    January 14, 2020 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm

    Shouldn’t Agudah bring a suit against these people in Beis Din? And if they won’t come to Beis Din, get permission to prosecute them in civil court? This isn’t only a matter of people’s health, it’s a matter of possibly sparking anti-Semitism, since Agudah is considered one of the authoritative Orthodox voices in the world at large.”
    Sue them?
    Are u kidding me? They come out against anyone trying to sue known child molesters and u expect the aguda to sue? Get real!!

  23. Aguda’s, Yechiel Kalish and Garry Schaer have proven that Agudah does not go by Torah MI’Sinai. But neither does my son, Simcha, and I like to get away with whatever I want. Say what I want. Do what I want. When I want. How I want. Mesira always works.

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