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China Earthquake & Myanmar Cyclone Update

red-cross.gifThe following two disturbing reports have just been released:

In China’s devastating earthquake, 26,000 people are estimated to still be buried in earthquake debris and another 14,000 are missing. These numbers are in addition to the 14,866 confirmed dead. These figures were announced by Xinhua News Agency.

Meanwhile the United Nations’ weather center is tracking a tropical storm that is likely to become a cyclone, and is aimed directly for Myanmar – the area which was just destroyed – and has more than 60,000 people dead or missing.

AP reports that an additional 2 million people are living in miserable conditions, many of them depending on rain for fresh drinking water, and meager food rations. Most water sources such as rivers and canals, which are littered with bodies and animal carcasses, are also contaminated by fecal matter and bacteria.

Should this new storm hit, the death toll could rise significantly.

(Sol Rubin – YWN)

9 Responses

  1. Hashem is really taking out His wrath on the Far East.
    Back in year 2005 in the Tsunami of Thailand, heimishe people attributed it to the Avoyda Zora that is so common over there. Anyone heard a good pshat for this year’s disasters?

  2. I’ll try and be polite.
    ain puronios baolam ela bishvis yisroel!!!!!!!!!!!

    These events happen because of YOUR aveiros.
    Yes, YOUR aveiros.

  3. #3

    Puronios ba li’olam bishvil Yisroel does not say because od our aveiros. It could be be, yes, for a Mussar or……for retribution.

  4. Let’s all improve ourselves. If I do,then my friends will.If they do,then their friends will. If us Yehudim,improve ourselves,the B’nei Noach will follow. Then Hashem will send Moshiach. Disasters come to the world because that is the will of HKB”H. WE do NOT know the reasons.Learn the lessons from T’Nach;from Noach,So’Dom;Mitzrayim,the Churban,etc. Let our revered rabbonim teach us how to improve and let’s listen to what they have to say.

  5. Someone very smart said to me the other day that we are all poor inside — poor for a kind word. Just a smile to someone can make a difference. Of course we should be polite to everyone including the goim, but I am not talking about that. For another yid we should make an extra effort to connect, to smile, to acknowledge that we are all one, and that their existence is not irrelevant to us. R. Avigdor Miller ZTKL told someone who said that he wasn’t as religious as him,” You ARE as religious, you are just not as good at it”.

    On the inside we know that every yid feels another’s pain and joy, but maybe we should show it more on the outside, and not just to family and friends, but whenever opportunity strikes. (I am not saying we should walk around hugging people all day.) Just not ignoring … especially somewhere like Brooklyn where there are so many of us B.H. that we can easily treat each other like strangers. Does RSO want us to regard each other as strangers? I know that everyone already does so much chessed especially if another yid needs help, etc. Let’s not wait for something bad to happen H.S. before we show our love to our fellow yidden. Instead,maybe we can all just try to say two encouraging words a day, one to someone in our family, and one to someone we don’t know as well.How hard can that be? Just to make someone else feel good… everybody needs some encouragement and kavod. RSO WANTS to bring the geula shleima but we can show that we want Moshiach more than anything… that we hate this “comfortable” disgusting golus in … whichever beatiful kind country we are in(I am being sarcastic). We don’t want this kind of kindness, we want a true spiritual life, the Bais Hamikdash, etc… enough said for an internet site.

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