Rabi Daveed Abuchatzeira of Nahariya To Pray for Farmers in Israel

2008511_010177496_PH1E0246.jpgThis Shabbos May 17, 2008, Jews all over the world will be READING in Parshas B’Har,
“Sow for six years and let (the land) rest for the seventh; in order for you to know that the land is mine.” In Israel 3200 Farmers are LIVING these words every day of this year.

In the honor of those Shmittah observing farmers, An Historic event will take place this coming Monday May 19, Pesach Sheinia; a special gathering of Tefillah & Kiddush Hashem by Rabi Daveed Abuchatzeira Shlit”a of Nahariya and hundreds of Shmittah Observing Farmers of Israel will take place.
Rabi Daveed, will recite tefillos for Parnassa (Wealth), Health, Children, Shiduchim, or Hatzlacha in your children’s chinuch to all supporters of Keren Hashviis the Fund for Shmittah Observing Farmers  www.shviis.com.

(About Shmittah)
Shmittah strengthens and reinforces the concepts of emunah and bitachon, by allowing us to learn from people who may seem to be simple but whose actions demonstrates otherwise; their mesirat nefesh leaves profound impressions on our minds and hearts. For farmers to abandon their lands according to the laws of Shmittah is a tremendous test of faith in the hashgachah pratit of Hashem. It is also a powerful lesson in the greatness of man and in his limitations.

For one full year, thousand of Israeli farmers are leaving their fields untouched.
For one full year, thousands of farmers and their families will be living without their usual means of support and sustenance.
For one full year, thousands will observe the mitzvah of Shmittah in the fullest sense, as mandated by our Torah.

This is why so many Torah authorities from around the world support the efforts of Keren Hashviit, the Center for Shmittah Observance in Israel, which recruits farmers – both religious and secular – educates them in the laws of Shmittah and then provides them with financial stipends and subsidies.

2 Responses

  1. Let us pray for everyone in Israel, including the residents of Ashkelon & Sederot, and those living around Gaza in addition for the poor, orphans, widows, injured and farmers.
    Those living in the circle of communities around Gaza are ‘maaminim bnei maaminim’ and their emunah and bitachon is an example to us all. BTW their parnasa is almost non-exsistent.

  2. everyone can imagine the nesoyon of not working on chol hamoed heterim (davar haavud) etc. now just imagine one year of just shuting down everything that means good chances suppliers will find other farmers to buy from their nesoyon is just not understandable as the gedolim say that the only way we can have a shaychus with the mitzvah of shmita is by becoming a partner with them by supporting them so let us listen to the call of the gedolim!

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