An Obituary: Shelly Mermelstein Z”L, One Of Two Victims Struck By Vehicle In Teaneck

Sheldon Mermelstein 75′ ZT”L was one of the two people hit by a car on Thursday December 19th in Front of Congregation Bnai Yeshuran In Teaneck New Jersey and was Nifter two Shabbosim ago.

Shelly was a active member of the Teaneck Community and specifically was involved in Congregation Beth Aaron. Shelly who was originally from Bensonhurst Brooklyn played a major role in the Teaneck Jewish Community. When the Mermelstein Family came to Teaneck in the 1970s, Beth Aaron was only a Shabbos Shul. Shelly decided it was time for a daily minyan.

First they started a daily sacharis Minyan than They started a Daily Maariv Minyan.

To Quote what Shelly’s Son Chaim said at the levaya “I used to come with my father to shul,” he said. “They would get on the phone and go down the shul list and start calling people to make a minyan. We would come home at nine o’clock from a quarter-to-eight minyan. He wasn’t going to stop. He wasn’t going to give up.”

Shelly was a man who never gave up, and as he was getting older, he took on more responsibilities.

Shelly headed the Chevra Kedisha in Beth Aaron.

Shelly despite being a busy person would Learn with different chavrusas different subjects: Gemara, Midrash, Chassidus, Navi… the list goes on.

Shelly was also a avid biker and rode in several 5 Borough Bike Tours.

Despite his busy Schedule Shelly always had time to talk to his children, grandchildren and friends.

Shelly was a person who people went to for a kind word, a smile and some chizuk.

Shelly Mermelstein, Yosef Shmuel Shmelka Ben Yitzchok was a tzaddik and will be missed.

Please continue to daven for Micha Kaufman (the other person who was hit by a car in front of Bnai Yeshuran) Micha Chaim Ben Sara who remains in critical condition.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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