MORE HATE IN NYC: Jewish Student Harassed Subway

Stony Brook University student Yonatan Herzfeld was taking the S-Shuttle train between Grand Central and Times Square Sunday when he says an African-American began harassing him for wearing a kippa.

Yonatan described the incident on Facebook, writing, “I was just chased off the S train on the subway at Grand Central because im visibly Jewish because I wear a kippa. The black man was chasing me, shouting about my kippa and drawing a circle referring to my kippa saying “whats that you got on your head”. Everyone stood back and did nothing while i was screaming for help. The worst was the lady screaming at me telling me its my fault because I was recording the hate crime.”

Yonatan started recording and ran from the man while screaming for help. A police report has been filed with the NYPD.

You can watch the incident unfold below.

17 Responses

  1. Again, a simple idea which may help a little. Give every Jew a whistle which will alert people that something is wrong and might dissuade the attacker. In this case of the NYC Subway attack, it would likely have alerted the police sooner. Hashem Yerachem!

  2. > huju

    Did you actually view the video with sound? I did, and I can hear the perpetrator use pejorative against the victim, and unmistakable hostile tone of voice, and see menacing stagger and actually chasing after the victim.

  3. When “gay” is used instead of “homosexual” a person is giving credence to the popular belief of our society that being “gay is ok”. “Homosexual” lets the listener know that you are not accepting of it.

  4. A Coffee Adict, Hymish and FBI:
    Shame, shame on you. Shame on you for posting hurtful, invalidating, completely unnecessary posts. If you have nothing nice to post, DO NOT POST AT ALL. How someone can watch another yid in distress and be so dismissive must mean that there is something seriously wrong with the person. Absolutely beyond me.

  5. A Coffee Addict, Hymish and FBI:
    Shame, shame on you. Shame on you for posting hurtful, invalidating, completely unnecessary posts. If you have nothing nice to post, DO NOT POST AT ALL. How someone can watch another yid in distress and be so dismissive must mean that there is something seriously wrong with the person. Absolutely beyond me.

  6. All you idiots, regardless of his personal perspective on “shiduchim”.
    He was being harrased for being a yid!
    That’s all you need to know!

  7. It’s really hard to piece together exactly what happened here. But it seems like the black guy just asked him about his yarmulka and he responded by pulling out his phone and recording. I’ve been asked that hundreds of times. Just be nice. He could have just answered instead of starting a confrontation. Also, “The black man was chasing me, shouting about my kippa and drawing a circle referring to my kippa saying whats that you got on your head.” I didn’t see that in the video at all, he was upset about the phone, not the yarmulka. I agree with the other comments, something smells about this story.
    I don’t think it’s bad to call out fake anti-semitisim. Fake anti-semitism hurts us when we have to deal with the real thing.

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