MAILBAG: Mispallel In Rabbi Rottenberg Shul Sounds Off About Hypocrisy Of Governor Cuomo

Dear YWN,

I am a mispallel in R’ Rottenbergs Shul and live around the corner. We were at a family Chanukah chaggiga at my sister-in-law down the block from our house when this all occurred. Clearly this was a shocking event and we all have been hit with a tremendous sense of vulnerability. Of course we all know we are in golus, yet we live our lives and unfortunately don’t always live like we are not living the ideal.

What I personally am feeling right now is that this country – and in fact many others as well – are suffering from the exact ill that got K’lal Yisroel into this long lasting golus. It is no longer unacceptable to openly express hatred – the left to the the right and then back in the other direction. No longer is there even an attempt to work things out, even if they weren’t all that sincere. If in the “highest” levels of our society it is acceptable to hate, how can we expect it not to become the norm.

Governor Cuomo spoke on Sunday morning about the “body politic” having a cancer, but just last week he refused to allow federal judges to conduct marriages in New York because they were Trump appointees! How can he honestly say he will combat hate, when he is equally hateful? Even a small expression like this furthers the hatred that has become the norm of society.

Yankie Gross – Monsey, NY

NOTE: The views expressed here are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views of YWN.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

11 Responses

  1. We are in galus and NY is not going republican any time soon so play the game and don’t start trashing the governer for no other reason than to make yourself feel better.

  2. Referencing Trump refusing to allow federal judges to conduct marriages in New York because they were Trump appointees as an example of hate, while ignoring Democratic politicians most of whom havent spoken up in disgust after hateful statements were made by newly elected Congresswomen, is a bit silly. Which exacerbates the atmosphere of hate more?

  3. Correction: The letter writer referencing Cuomo refusing to allow federal judges to conduct marriages in New York because they were Trump appointees as an example of hate, while ignoring Democratic politicians, most of whom havent spoken up in disgust after hateful statements were made by newly elected Congresswomen, is a bit silly. Which exacerbates the atmosphere of hate more?

  4. There are days when the entire Jewish People fasts because of the calamities that occurred then, in order to arouse their hearts and to open the paths of repentance… (Hilkhot Ta’aniot 5:1).
    We have to look within. Hashem is sending these tragedies and afflictions as a sign for us.

  5. I dont see the reasoning why a chasidishe yid shomrei torah umitzvohs needs to make public statements about the NY governor or any other local politician. The Governor of NY, NJ and other jewish communities have A job that needs to take responsibility for the needs of all its citizens and the religious communities always need the Governor to accommodate the communities needs so why will a uchid who doesn’t represent any Yeshiva,Shul , or school make negative statements about a governor who makes sure that we live in a Malchis Shel Chesed.
    If there is ever an issue about politicians NOT doing the right thing we have Politicians like Mr. Wieder ,Dov Hikind ,Rabbi Niederman ,they speak for the Klal but a yuchid is NOT allowed to make statements that might hurt the jewish communities.

  6. Azoi.Is speaks emes. The rhetoric on BOTH sides is toxic and will never allow a convergence across political lines. Trump speaks to about 40 percent of Americans (aka the “real Americans”) and the Dems speak to a roughly comparable number. The 20 percent in the middle keep looking for both sides to find some common ground on at least a few issues but the mamash hatred seems to make that a distant and unrealistic fantasy. Its no longer clear that there is anything short of some existential threat like 9/11 would bring both sides together. Sadly, we are seeing a mirror image of this sad polarization in EY with roughly comparable numbers and a third election fighting for the 10 20 percent in the middle

  7. The difference between Conservatives and Lefties is that Conservatives want the government out of our lives, the Lefties want government in our lives. One is saying leave me alone and the other wants to be in everyone’s kishkes

  8. Fakehadorah, stop spreading FAKE new and lies that “The rhetoric on BOTH sides is toxic”. Don’t preach us that BOTH sides are at fault when the leaders of your Democrat party circles the wagons around vicious antisemites Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib refusing condemn antisemitism by it’s name publicly. It is your fellow Democrats that rush to kiss Al Sharpton’s ring. It is your Democrats that befriend Louis Farrakhan and appear in friendly photos with him. It is the rhetoric on YOUR side that mostly contribute to the climate of HATE against the Jews. It is YOUR side that hysterically cried antisemitism when Trump signed executive order protecting Jews against anti-Semitic stacks. It is the pattern with you: when the right says something antisemitic it is Trump’s fault and all his supporters are white suprematists, but when Democrat express their hate it is always BOTH sides.

  9. Resident Mortal, what is your solution if you live in NY: sit quiet and gratefully accept an excrement fed to you by corrupt democrats?

  10. Keep voting Democrat, keep voting for the leftist, you get what you deserve.

    I’m sick and tired of hearing it’s a one-party state. Well, work on the second party! If you’re not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

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