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zelazeh.gifFor over a decade, Zeh LaZeh, “From One to Another” has provided thousands of widows and orphans from every part of Eretz Yisrael with a personal support system, often from the moment of loss.  Zeh LaZeh is an unusual organization, sensitive to the needs of the individual while providing unconditional service 24 hours a day which means that the widow and her children will get, for as long as they are in need, everything they require from one source.

Rebbetzin Raizy Rottenberg is numero uno, second to none in the lives of the hundreds of lives she touches. She is the one all the widows are drawn to and they trust her implicitly.

Rebbetzin Rottenberg, who calls the widows her sisters, plays a major role in the lives of these widows who she treats like her own family. Through raising and educating the children and marrying them off, to assisting during medical emergencies and making Yom Tov, Rebbetzin Rottenberg is a “rock solid support system.”   She is even there to mediate uncomfortable situations between family members and solves problems before they get out of control.
Unwavering Support from Zeh LaZeh Through Thick and Thin

Tirtza, the mother of three children was just 29 when her first husband was killed in a car accident.  Following his petirah, Tirtza continued on the path on which she had embarked preceding her husband’s death and became a ba’alas teshuva. She married again, had another two children and her husband became sick and died.  This young woman, alone with five children had already experienced so much tza’ar and became part of the Zeh LaZeh extended family as she coped to rebuild her life which was full of challenges. 

Her 9 year-old son Yaakov Chaim hurt his foot and the doctors who were treating him found certain irregularities.  Following diagnostic tests it was confirmed that this young orphan had cancer and his foot had to be amputated. With the support of her “sisters” at Zeh LaZeh Tirtza brought Yaakov Chaim home and they adjusted to a new routine and tried to make life as comfortable as possible.

In an effort to keep his spirits up the Zeh LaZeh family bought Yaakov Chaim drums which were a welcome diversion from his physical limitations.  He became a proficient player which somewhat distracted his concerns about his dependence on others.    

In the meantime, Tirtza’s older son became a chassan.  She had confided in Rebbetzin Rottenberg that she did not know how she would be able to walk her son down to the Chuppah b’simcha.  She was so overwhelmed with sadness at being so alone and with anxiety over Yaakov Chaim.  Rebbetzin Rottenberg swung into action and made sure to be at the hall well before the wedding started and presented Tirtza with a beautiful necklace and words of chizuk.  It was a davar b’ito ma tov and the positive effect was felt immediately and the Chuppah proceeded as a Chuppah should. 

During the dancing as Rebbetzin Rottenberg and Tirza’s “sisters” danced to the words “Rachem Na, Rachem Na, Lo Azavunu Chasadecha…” followed by “T’hei Hasha’ah Hazos Sh’as Rachamim …… Tirtza passed out. Concerned guests sought medical assistance as her “sisters” and Rebbetzin Rottenberg hovered around her.  When she was revived as Rebbetzin Rottenberg held her, Tirtza, tears rolling down her cheeks said that the dveikusdige niggunim  had made her “soar up to shamayim” where she saw that her late husband was so b’simcha at the chasunah of his son in the “pamalya shel ma’alah” that she was able to duplicate the simcha in this World and so she was mischazek and picked herself up and continued to dance surrounded by her “Zeh LaZeh family.”

Just before Pesach of this year, only weeks before another son’s chasunah, Tirtza lost her mother. Armed with her tremendous emunah and bitachon she walked her son down to the chuppah.  Then Yaakov Chaim who had been stable was hospitalized due to a deterioration in his condition.

Tirtza spent Pesach with Yaakov Chaim in Tel Hashomer Hospital, being mispallel and hoping that the pessimistic prognosis of the medical team would somehow not happen.  She cried as she watched Yaakov Chaim writhing in pain, rapidly become weaker.

Ten days after Pesach when Tirtza’s Zeh LaZeh ‘sisters’ called Rebbetzin Rottenberg to tell her that Yaakov Chaim had been niftar she once again rushed over to be at Tirtza’s side and support and comfort her during her eis tzara. When the Rebbetzin arrived Tirtza told her that it was that last Shabbaton a few weeks before Pesach, helped her ride the huge waves of this most recent “Tsunami” in her tumultuous life.

The Shabbatons had become a highlight on Tirtza’s calendar, but when she received her invitation to the Yam Hamelach, Tirtza  did not see how she could leave Yaakov Chaim who had already been hospitalized.  Her Zeh LaZeh ‘sisters’ had arranged for people to stay with Yaakov Chaim in the hospital so that Tirtza could join her ‘sisters’ at the Shabbaton.

During the Shiva for her son Yaakov Chaim, when  Rebbetzin Rottenberg walked in,  Tirtza’s eyes lit up as she said, “Rebbetzin, at that weekend we danced, we sang we cried, we were Mekadesh Shem Shamayim and connected to the Ribbono shel Olam with Mi Hu Zeh V’Ezehu and Zeh Keli V’Anveihu. Without that weekend, I would not have had the Koach, I would have not had the Moach to prevail over the storm that lay ahead, but Baruch Hashem Rebbetzin, that uplifting Shabbaton which once again strengthened  and reinforced my emunah and bitachon, enabled me to ride through the tzaros and yesurim.” 

Tirtzah then just sank into her low chair as those who came to be menachem avel contemplated her overall situation. The Rebbetzin put her arm around Tirtza and all those present knew that Tirtza was in good hands and would never be alone.  Zeh LaZeh continued to be there for her b’gashmiyus and b’ruchniyus injecting Tirtza with the koach to be mekabel and pick herself up without falling into the pit of despair.

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