Rabbi Simon Jacobson Inspires The NYPD At The 71st Precinct In Crown Heights

On the first day of Chanukah the New York Police Department (NYPD) hosted a Chanukah event at the 71st Precinct in Crown Heights, Brooklyn featuring renowned author and speaker, Rabbi Simon Jacobson. The event, organized by Rabbi Yossi Rapp of ChabadAir, also corresponded to the first day of service of the new Commanding Officer of the 71st Precinct, Tito Romero.

Following the candle lighting, Rabbi Jacobson thanked the officers for their selfless work in protecting us all, and then proceeded to speak about the lessons that the Chanukah lights teach law enforcers.

“Lesson #1 is that you are not just fighters of the dark, but bearers of light. Though at times you may need to use arms, your real power lies on your noble mission of serving as illuminating role models demonstrating the best human beings have to offer.”

“Nothing is greater than serving to protect others, “Rabbi Jacobson continued. “The master flame (the “shamash”) towers above the other flames because it ignites, kindles and protects them.

“A little light naturally dispels darkness. Light is not loud and aggressive. Its subtlety has more power than the darkest darkness.”

Rabbi Jacobson concluded with a powerful blessing to all the officers: ”May you always be carriers of light. May G-d protect you as you protect us all. May your mere presence as light bearers serve as preventive medicine deterring all darkness, without ever needing to resort to actual battle.”

The police in attendance were visibly moved by the Rabbi’s short yet poignant message. One officer remarked “Rabbi Jacobson‘s words really resonated with me. It was very uplifting to hear that we are bearers of light not just warriors against darkness.”

Another commented that “I was unaware and quite surprised by the universal message of Chanukah to people of all backgrounds and faiths.

“And I was especially touched by his words: ‘Please see us as your partners ready to help you in every possible way.’”

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