WATCH: Chasidic Jewish Community Flock To Axe Throwing Defence Classes In Wake Of Jersey City Shooting

Members of Williamsburg’s Jewish community tried to take their safety into their own hands on Monday, as they attended axe-throwing self-defence classes in New York City, in the wake of the recent deadly anti-Semitic shooting in Jersey City.

The classes are led by former NYPD officer and martial arts expert Gary Moskowitz, known as ‘Rabbi Sensei,’ and are designed to teach attendees how to handle a variety of weapons, including axes and spears, as well as how to respond to physical attacks and protect themselves.

Moskowitz explained that his motivation to start the classes was the rise in anti-Semitic attacks, stating that “Synagogues have Nazi swastikas painted on it here, people are cursing at us because we a Jewish, people punch us.

Then it goes to terror where people shoot at us and try to kill our children.” The 62-year-old reportedly started the ‘counter-terrorism’ class for the Orthodox community in wake of the kosher market attack in where four people were killed in Jersey City on December 10.

15 Responses

  1. what a misleading headline , to make us look like idiots; you have 10 ppl in a room & “community flocks” whos fighting guns w axes ? please enough bizyonos

  2. Self-defense courses make sense. Using axes as a self-defense tool seems a bit bizarre. Why not buy guns? Learn how to use them and carry them. A bit more 21st century.

    Is it really accurate to report the “community flocking to classes” when it looks like about 10 guys in the class?

  3. Might work against cossacks (1648 variety) and would certainly work against Crusaders. However in the 21st century ones tend to use projectile weapons powered by chemical explosives (a.k.a. guns).

  4. clearly pretty dumb. The concept of learning self defense IS important. Teaching one class with weapons is kind of….pointless.
    I do believe everyone should know how to defend themselves. I personally teach boxing/mma, and since the recent events I am fully booked.
    Getting a gun (and knowing how to use it) is great! that said it is extremely hard (in nyc) to obtain a permit and it is also a very costly process. So for most its not an option.
    All Jews MUST know how to defend them selves and should defend themselves. I highly recommend Brooklyn Mixed Martial Arts to all! they have a Jewish program called the “Legion” very worthwhile and you take a few classes a week.

    Not a one time class where you learn how to throw an ax…

  5. It’s a beginning. One class than three classes and so on. I heard there’s a frum class learning how to use guns effectively. it’s a class in Monsey. Throwing an ax at someone with a gun from a different direction has the surprise element. Guns are problematic with licenses , Hidden weapons, all kinds of issues the liberals make up. They haven’t started up with the right to own an ax.

  6. Must be a slow news day in Willy. Some editor probably got confused and plugged in a purim spiel for a Zois Chanukah story. Given that the weapons of choice for most terrorists are semi-automatic weapons with high capacity magazines, its a bit unclear how waving around an axe will provide much a deterrent or defensive capability.

  7. We can have all the guns and axes in the world, but “אם ה’ לא ישמור עיר שוא שקד שומר” if Hashem won’t watch over the city, the watchman kept vigil in vain. Our best weapons for protection can be praying with a little bit more intensity, and talking and conversing less in shul, not the guns or the exes. Yaakov Avinu said “בחרבי ובקשתי” with my sword and bow, the Targum there translated it to mean his spiritual weapons, his prayer and his request. Lets learn from our forefathers, הקול קול יעקב והידים ידי עשו, if we do our part Hashem will do His part to protect us.

  8. Street attacks on Jews would stop if the victims fought back with axes. It might have an impact on gun attacks too, since the attacker might think twice before attacking people who have gained a reputation for defending themselves.

  9. LOL pathetic a few chasidish bums tuny beigels and tuna baguettes not makpid on tznius if you look at the video there is not 1 normal chasidish yingerman there (and they write “flock to axe throwing self defense classes” nebech

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