BACK TO BUSINESS – HATING JEWS: Jersey City School Official Bashes Jews On Facebook

The mourning period is over. It’s time to get back to the issues of great importance, and Jew hating seems to be the top of the list for Jersey City Board of Education Trustee Joan Terrell.

Terrall made her despicable comments in response to a column published on InsiderNJ called “Faith and hope in face of Hate”.

Insider NJ transcribed part of her comments:

“Where was all this faith and hope when black homeowners were being threatened, intimidated and harassed by ‘want to buy your house’ bullies of the Jewish community? They brazenly came on the property of black homeowners and waved bags of money. Resistance was met with more threats of ‘we will bring drug dealers and prostitutes to live next door to you. You will sell to us then.”

Terrell claimed that black tenants were being evicted from homes owned by Jewish to make room for additional Jewish people to occupy and that a million-dollar campaign in New York encouraged Jewish to move into Jersey City.

Her post went on to raise questions about the loss of key programs in Jersey City that benefited ex-offenders and the loss of community gardens previously run largely by African Americans

“One still exists and has been harassed almost daily,” she wrote. “If we are going to tell a narrative, it should being with truth, not more cover up of truth. Dialogue is important, but truth is critical.”

She implied that city officials and community leaders appear to have turned a blind eye to the reduction of services, and claims that “drugs and guns are planted in the Black Community.”

“Mr. Anderson and Ms. Graham went directly to the Kosher supermarket,” Terrell wrote. “I believe they knew they would come out in body bags. What is the message they were sending? Are we brave enough to explore the answer to their message? Are we brave enough to stop the assault on the black communities of America?”

Why this woman still has a job is a good question.

The Jersey City Board of Education can be reached at 201-915-6000.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

38 Responses

  1. Sadly there is a very rich history of anti Semitism, “Rev” Al, Jesse J, Herberty doughty, Farracan, a lot of them think that way she just says it

  2. Is there any truth to her claims of “waving bags of money” or of “bringing in drug dealers and prostitutes”? If yes – we need some real soul-searching. Is it correct of a real estate agent or any other “investor” to cause such a Chilul Hashem for the potential of making a few dollars?
    Don’t get me wrong – her diatribe is unacceptable and out of hatred – but what caused such hatred? Did we cause it?

  3. I didn’t know that by saying the truth one is an anti semite,
    Did she throw any evil slurs against anyone? No,
    All she said was the unfortunate fact

  4. “6 rabbis were accused of selling body parts…”
    Please don’t work for the Board of Ed if you can’t tell the difference between facts and nutjob conspiracy theories

  5. “Mr. Anderson and Ms. Graham went directly to the Kosher supermarket,” Terrell wrote. “I believe they knew they would come out in body bags. What is the message they were sending? Are we brave enough to explore the answer to their message? Are we brave enough to stop the assault on the black communities of America?”

    This statement, even if isolated from the rest of her diatribe, is damning. She begins by complaining, and that is her first amendment right. But the above quote is not defensive at all, but inciting others to be moseir nefesh to harm Jews. She does need to apologize. She needs to be terminated and guaranteed to never again serve in public office. And any veiled threats she tries to make after her departure from public office should be prosecuted.

  6. chymee, which “truth” you are referring to?
    “Mr. Anderson and Ms. Graham went directly to the Kosher supermarket,… I believe they knew they would come out in body bags. What is the message they were sending? Are we brave enough to explore the answer to their message? Are we brave enough to stop the assault on the black communities of America?”
    that Jews “bring drug dealers and prostitutes to live next door” to the Black neighborhoods?
    You are justifying murder of Jews.
    My suggestion to you: cut down on reading of Der Stürmer.

  7. I guess this ugly negro never heard about those blacks who bought out those homes owned by Jews in East Flatbush, Bedford Stuyvesant, Brownsville, East New York, Canarsie, Rugby, etc… back in the late 50’s, totally destroying those neighborhoods.

  8. “Mr. Anderson and Ms. Graham” – notice the Derech Eretz this poor excuse for a human being bestowed upon these murderers.

  9. I asked this of a politician. I doubt it’ll be printed and if it is, Im sure I’ll be viciously attacked. But you have to try.

    There’s to much charged emotion going around, so I’ll avoid it with another event.
    When America expanded west and whites started settling there. What happened? Did the Indians (Native Americans) welcome them with open arms?
    Didn’t the Indians recognize the whites were bringing strong buildings (rather spend a harsh winter in a brick house than a teepee), economic prosperity & opportunity (doesn’t everyone want to be wealthy), modern medicine (doesn’t everyone want what’s best for their children), firearms (which made procuring meat a 100x easier), arts, literature, modern farming techniques, etc.
    So why did the Indians react with violence when whites were (at least in their minds) bringing so much benefit to the Indians?
    Was it Antisemitism? These people weren’t Jews. Was it an ingrained deep seated irrational hatred of white people? They had no previous experiences of white people to base it on.
    (True or not, What impression do Blacks (& many Whites) have when they hear of Chassidim (or other very frum) moving in? Is there zero truth to it?)
    If you were President back then, how would you have dealt with the “Indian Anti-White” problem? Killed them all? Put them on reservations on some of the worst land the US has to offer and give them a monthly check that barely covers their living expenses? Give them each a mansion, 1,000 acres of prime farm land and 50 horses?
    Please give some details how you would of dealt with the “Indian Anti-White” problem.
    It’s very easy to scream “Anti-Semitism” but do nothing.
    What is the plan to deal with “Black Anti-Semitism”? I bet if you killed all the blacks, the problem would stop. I also bet if you deported them to Hawaii, bought them all million dollar mansions, 2 Benz’s, and gave them $10,000 spending money a month (paid for by the Jewish community) the problem would also stop.
    It’s not a politicians job to yell, scream, and accuse. The job of a (good) politician is to find smart workable solutions to community problems and succesfully implement them. So what is your proposed solution to stopping “Black Antisemitism”?
    (If this is mistaken as excusing or justifying the violence or ignoring that real Anti-Semitism exists (& often plays a role, but often not the only role). I apologize. It was not my intention.

  10. Someone in the community should sue theses people for defamation.
    The Chassidim dont threaten with prostitude and drugs.
    Prostitude and drugs are black talk and occupation. Jews dont introduce neither in the market that is over saturated with both.
    Jews bring up the value of homes, quality of life and community.

  11. Great point ”The little that I know’. Could you imagine ANYONE getting away with such a comment about ANY OTHER targeted/racial killing?
    To all you self-hating kapos hiding behind ‘Kiddush/Chillul Hashem’. Yes of course “if it’s true” (the bullying) than whoever did it is ( partially) responsible, but that’s quite obvious.
    The question is, why do you always feel obligated to ‘blame US’ when such rabid anti-semites spew out such hatred.
    Any thoughts on how we were to blame for Hitler YMS”H?

  12. I wish someone would wave bags of money at me. Should I sympathize?

    The part about bringing drug dealers is a clear lie. Offering more than her house is worth I believe. It is. not a crime to offer to pay someone big money for their home. You can always say NO if you choose not to move.

  13. Why does everyone believe her BLATANT LIES ?? These accusations were just plucked out from anti-semitic social media sites. never ever happened at Greenville.

  14. Azoly, what is wrong with approaching homeowners and offering them money for their property? What is wrong with “waving money bags”, assuming such a thing happened? I don’t believe it did, not because it would be wrong but because nobody goes around with money bags except in cartoons, but I can well believe people waving checkbooks, or even wads of $100 bills.

    Of course I don’t believe that anyone threatened to bring drug dealers and prostitutes to an area where there is no shortage of either one! What would be the point? And why would you give such a claim a moment’s credence?

    TLIK, the statement you highlight is horrible, but it is protected by the first amendment. It is not incitement, nor is it a threat. The definition of incitement is speech that is both intended and likely to cause its audience to imminently commit a crime. Merely advocating a crime, making arguments that the audience will think about and perhaps decide they agree with it and act on it, is protected speech.

  15. The “organ sellers” is probably a reference to the illegal kidney brokers who were arrested a few years ago. They were doing a big mitzvah, and the fact that it was illegal is irrelevant. Nor is there any moral reason why they should not have been making money to compensate them for the risks they were taking.

  16. I did search on “community gardens” to see what this is about. The news tells that Fidel Hernandez, 58, and Glenn Trickel, 56, moved into Astor place in 2004. In 2012, this self-described “gay housemates, not a couple” asked for a plot with in the local “community garden”. Tinia Bland, the president of the Astor Place Neighborhood Association, refused. So in 2013 Trickel ran against Tinia for the local Democratic Party. Trickel won and Tinia lost. This escalated to physical violence landing them in the hospital. In court each one pointed the finger at the other, one (Tinia being Black) calling the other racist while the other called the first homophobic. That escalated to molotov cocktails. And so forth in violence.

    Can anyone find the “Jew” here?

  17. To clarify my previous post, the incidents led to the garden in question being opened up to all comers, at least that is what the local school announced. The neighbourhood complained that this was really a “closure” of the gardens taken “for revenge” in the feud.

  18. The mayor made some smart comments.said while there should br room to discuss issues between communities..the time and place is not now..and i would likw to see them ackniwledge that these murderers also murdered a police officer(explain the anti-law enforcement in their beliefs)
    And lets not forget the murdered uber driver with investigation on going….can she find excuses or “mssgs” to those murders too???or is it possible these were bad guys criminals,murderers etc who have blk skin? And she doesnt need to stick up for them…

  19. From all the comments I have read here it seems we still aren’t getting the message. Did anyone ask themselves or their spiritual rabbi why did Hashem bring this terrible attack on us? where is our chesbon hanefesh?? Did anyone hear a comment from a Gadol about this attack? did the Satmar Rebbe from williamsburg where those new settlers came from make a public statement about the attack? I’m sick and tired of hearing all kind of nonsense garbage from the so called frum media and frum politicians, they are just as guilty of this attack as the killers, by constantly flaming hatred between communities by how they report and the things they say.

    Hashem is sending us warnings and by keeping on crying antisemitism we’re basically just sweeping the warnings under the rug and not getting the message. How many reminders does Hashem has to send us to remind us that we’re in galus? why do we keep koshering our behaviors instigating the goyim? if this killing is not a wakeup call then what is? you don’t have to like what this woman says, but in her mind it’s the truth and the root cause of what happened, and they are going to work hard to justify it, it’s crazy what the killers did, but in their mind it’s justified. (as a small example, we read in last week’s Parsha about Shimon and Levi slaughtering the entire city of Shchem because of one person did something inappropriate to their sister Dina, the punishment is much harsher and disproportionate than the crime, but they still justified it). maybe the attack is justified in their minds because we taking away their homes, but whether it’s justified or not it’s irrelevant, we have to understand that all these things are signs from heaven we need to do some real serious Tshuva, and of course better our behaviors with the goyim. we don’t need anymore reminders!

  20. Moderators,
    I understand and agree with all the anger and pain that the people commenting here are expressing, but, could you please stop any and all of the racist comments.
    The fact that they make it through your “rigorous” vetting shield reflects on ywn (and those who read it) in a very bad way.

  21. BillyW, so what’s your point? Are the blacks natives to the land? Are blacks allowed to kill Jews and lie about us because Chassidim are buying houses that were put up for sale?

  22. Unfortunately, a small minority of Jewish people will sometimes say something that is racist. This is wrong and should never happen, but it would be unfair to say all Jews are racist because of a handful of racists.

    Also, even those few Jews who say racist things would never attack anyone. I guarantee the black residents of Jersey City do not walk in fear amongst their Jewish neighbors. If the worst thing a black person can say about Jews is that Jews offer a lot of money to buy a house, then they have nothing bad to say about us.

  23. I don’t know either way whether the points she brings up have any validity to them whatsoever. I highly doubt they do. Enough comments above about this though.
    Either way; a politician no less! that engages in such talk a few days after this horrible attack is simply agitating an already tense situation, fanning the flames of hate and G-D forbid encouraging more bloodshed. Such people cannot be in public office. Period! If she truly was trying to fix things, she wouldn’t be discussing this on Facebook, she’d request a meeting with leaders of both communities. The fact that she did not, shows her true intent

  24. I don’t know either way whether the points she brings up have any validity to them whatsoever. I highly doubt they do. Enough comments above about this though.
    Either way; a politician no less! that engages in such talk a few days after this horrible attack is simply agitating an already tense situation, fanning the flames of hate and G-D forbid encouraging more bloodshed. Such people cannot be in public office. Period! If she truly was trying to fix things, she wouldn’t be discussing this on Facebook, she’d request a meeting with leaders of both communities. The fact that she did not, shows her true intentions, she is a vicious hater if you ask me. She must go- like now.

  25. Azoiy & chymee

    Thanks for saving me the time to write.
    If there is any truth in her claims of threats to blacks,
    obviously she is only reacting to her great disappointment
    in a nation who she probably believed is the עם הנבחר.

    Her lack of a word of sympathy for those Teire Neshomos murdered by
    her “brethern” is lacking. To put it VERY mildly.

    But can we expect better?

  26. Ummm has anyone even seen the could-care-less comment right above hers?
    And I’m sure there are more just like these ughhhh

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